President Klaus Iohannis has enacted the law containing the measures on alert.


On Friday, President Klaus Iohannis signed the decree for the enactment of the Law on some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Presidential Administration announced.

The Chamber of Deputies adopted, on Wednesday, as the decision-making body, the Government’s draft on measures in the state of alert, which makes several changes, including the fact that Parliament will have to approve the state of alert if At least half of the country is established.

“Alertness represents the response to an emergency situation of special magnitude and intensity, determined by one or more types of risk, consisting of a set of temporary measures, proportional to the level of severity manifested or anticipated and necessary for prevention and elimination of imminent threats to life, human health, the environment, important material and cultural values ​​or assets, “stipulates the normative act.

The law also states that if alertness is established in at least half of the country, Parliament’s approval must be granted within 5 days.

“The state of alert is established by the Government by decision, at the proposal of the Minister of the Interior, and cannot exceed 30 days. The state of alert can be extended, for good reasons, for a maximum of 30 days, by decision of the Government, At the proposal of the Minister of the Interior, the state of alert is established throughout the country or only in the territory of some administrative-territorial units, as the case may be. When the state of alert is established in at least half of the administrative-territorial units in the territory of the country, the measure is subject to the approval of the Parliament.The Parliament decides in a joint session of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, within 5 days from the date of the request for approval. If Parliament rejects the request for approval, the state of alert ceases immediately, “is mentioned in the normative act.

Terraces could reopen

Parliament can also make changes to the measures proposed by the government on alert.

The law also provides for the possibility of opening shopping malls with an area of ​​less than 15,000 square meters.

“During the alert state, the activities of retail sale of products and services in the shopping centers where several economic operators operate may be suspended, with the consent of CNSSU. The measure does not apply in the case of small shopping centers of less than 15,000 square meters, with individual stores within 500 square meters each ”, the document indicates.

The normative act stipulates the possibility of opening the terraces.

“During the alert state, the consumption of food and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages can be suspended in common dining rooms in restaurants, hotels, motels, pensions, coffee shops or other public places, both inside and outside terraces. During the state of Alert, you can allow the preparation of food and the sale of food and alcoholic beverages that are not consumed in the aforementioned spaces, with the exception of the terraces where sanitary protection measures are observed, ”also establishes the law.

The document also contains provisions on restrictions.

The restrictive measures of the rights provided for in this law, as well as, where appropriate, those of waiver or relaxation thereof, will be ordered in accordance with the principle of equal legal treatment for identical or comparable situations, also established by law.

What does alertness imply?

The decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations regarding the approval of the establishment of a state of alert at the national level and of infection prevention and control measures in the context of the epidemiological situation caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus is published in the Official Gazette.

The decision provides for the establishment of a state of alert in the national territory for a period of 30 days and contains a series of rules and restrictions to allow the authorities to effectively fight against the risk of the spread of the new coronavirus.

The normative act establishes, as of Friday, May 15, the obligation to wear a mask, so that the nose and mouth are covered, in commercial spaces, on public transport, at work and in other closed spaces.

From the same date, people are allowed to move outside the home / home, within the localities, in accordance with measures to prevent the spread of infection and to avoid the formation of pedestrian groups of more than 3 people who they do not belong to the same family.

In accordance with the regulatory act, travel outside the locality / metropolitan area is prohibited with the following exceptions:

– travel in a professional interest, including between home / home and place / places of professional activity and vice versa;

– travel for humanitarian or voluntary purposes;

– travel for agricultural activities;

– trips for the commercialization of agri-food products by agricultural producers;

– travel for the care or administration of a property in another location or the issuance of documents necessary to obtain certain rights;

– travel to participate in programs or procedures in treatment centers;

– traveling for other justified reasons, such as caring for / accompanying children / relatives, caring for a relative / relative or dependent, assistance for the elderly, sick or disabled, the death of a family member;

– travel for medical care that cannot be postponed or done remotely;

– trips for individual recreational-sports activities carried out outdoors (cycling, hiking, running, sailing, mountaineering, hunting, fishing and others) with the participation of up to 3 people;

– travel to participate in family events, with a limited number of people and comply with the rules of social distance;

– travel for the acquisition, service, execution of ITP or other vehicle maintenance operations, activities that cannot be carried out in the locality of residence.

Traveling outside the locality for the mentioned situations will be justified by means of a declaration of own responsibility.
