“POWERFUL episode related to the relics of Saint Demetrius!” Ciachir, the moment that marked the life of the Saint


Writer Dan Ciachir gave an interview, exclusively for DCNews, about the protector of Bucharest. Here is who Saint Demetrius the New was.

Writer Dan Ciachir gave us details about the ascetic life of the protector of Bucharest:

Saint Demetrius lived 800 years ago, in the 13th century, south of the Danube, in the village of Basarabi, in the valley of the river Lom. Hence its name of Saint Dimitrie Basarabov, as it is also known. He was a very humble man, a shepherd, he went with the village cows to graze. Later, he went to a hermitage, near the town, and became a parish priest of the hermitage. “

The experience that marked the life of the Saint

“One day, without realizing it, he stepped on a chicken nest, which he crushed. Since then, regretful, he did not want to wear shoes, he walked barefoot. It ended in a very strong asceticism, but also very discreet. The cave where he lived became his grave, ”Dan Chiachir told us.

How were his relics discovered?

“More than 500 years ago, in the 18th century, a sick boy was shown in a dream, whom he asked to send his parents to their relics. Thus, after half a millennium, his body was found in that cave. In the same context, the Russo-Turkish war broke out and a Russian general did not know what to do with the relics, so as not to escape from the hands of the pagans, and took a believer from Bucharest, Hagi Dimitrie, and took them north of the Danube. They were placed, with great pomp, in the metropolitan church of Saints Constantine and Elena in Bucharest ”, the writer specified.

The first miracles in Romania

“Since it was brought in, it has performed two miracles: stopping the war, which directly affects us as a medieval state, and stopping a terrible plague. That is why, even this year, many people are looking to retreat to their relics. There is another strong episode related to the relics of Saint Demetrius. During the First World War, our capital was occupied by German troops, whose allies were the Bulgarians. In the autumn of 1917, some manuscripts and the relics of Saint Dimitrie Basarabov were taken from the academy, the Bulgarians considered him their saint, because he had lived in the territory of Bulgaria, south of the Danube. It is said that when the Bulgarian soldiers arrived at Giurgiu with their relics, they became so heavy that they could not cross the Danube with them and they returned them to the Metropolitan Church. “

“In 1955, in full communism, the magnificent canonizations of Romanian saints were carried out and the celebration of 70 years of autocephaly of our church, took advantage of this moment and generated the cult of saints with relics in the territory of our country, the that they were not Romanians after the body. Thus, the pilgrimages reopened, it was a great moment, Santa Filofteia was returned to Curtea de Argeș, and in Bucharest and Iași they became official. reconfirmed “.

It is highly revered, many cures are recognized and, above all these plagues, there were plague epidemics, for example the plague of Caragea at the beginning of the 19th century, cholera, diseases that did not kill us and, in other words, it is the protector of a whole city, the protector of the Romanian capital, ”said Dan Ciachir.
