Post-Brex. What will change from 1 January 2021 for those who want to go to the UK?


Many aspects of the relationship since UK and Unionshe Europeanorthafter the end of the transition period remains uncertain, but some things watch out will change as of January 1, 2021 are known. The BBC lists the most important things people need to think about if they want to travel between the UK and Europe.

Trips will need more planning

Since January, British citizens who want to visiteze any EU country – plus Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein – You must have a passport valid for at least another six months. It is also necessarytravel safety with compound of health.

Before traveling, people should check if their mobile phone provider still offers free roaming.

For the transport of pets, a medical certificate obtained from the veterinarian is necessary. The current EU pet passport system will no longer apply.

The measures are also valid for those who want to go to the UK from an EU country.

Other queues at the border

At border controls, British citizens will form different queues than EU citizens. Tourists will be able to travel visa-free to the Schengen countries, which includes most of the EU countries and Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, if they stay in these countries for a maximum of 90 days, within a 180-day period. The period of stay is also valid for Europeans going to Great Britain.

Rthey appear buying tax free

Shopping duty free vor fi available For those who traveling from the UK in the eu and vice versa, as of 2021.

When Britain was a member of the EU, people could enter the country with unlimited amounts of alcohol and tobacco in one country member without paying any tax at the border, as long as a tax has been paid in the country purchase and it was about products for own use. Now, there will be limits to the value of the products that a traveler can bring from one entity to another.

However, they will no longer exist magazine of goods such as electronics and clothing, free of charge at the airport.

VAT refunds for foreign visitors to UK stores will also be eliminated.

northand rules for those who want to move to the EU

As of January 1, the free movement of people between the UK and the EU will end.

Yes a brit lives already in an EU country, a benefit from certain protections under the retirement agreement from the EU

But still, should check if the specific rules each countries.

For example, British citizens living or planning to live in France will need to obtain new resident permits.

Those who want to move from the UK to the EU or vice versa of 2021 nu vor he also had the automatic right to live or work there.

British those intending to move to Ireland will not be greatly affectedand.

New rules for EU citizens living in the UK

If you are a resident EU citizen let In the UK, your rights will remain invariable until June 30, 2021. But you need to check if you can stay after that. You will need to become a UK citizen or apply for the EU Settlement Program.

rethe challenges of Irish citizens will not change.

ORn new immigration system in the UK

Since January 2021, there will be a new points-based system for foreign nationals (excluding Irish citizens) who wish to relocate to the UK.

The government says it will treat EU and non-EU citizens equally and aims to attract people who can contribute to the British economy.

People who want to move to the UK to work, live or study there They will have to apply for and pay for a visa.

OR A student visa outside the UK will cost £ 348.

Applying for a skilled worker visa will cost between £ 610 and £ 1,408, unless They are in areas where the UK is understaffed.

They will also have to pay an additional health tax of £ 624 per person per year, unless they are employed in the health field.

Rdifferent egos for trading

Importers and exporters will have to make customs declarations, as if they were dealing with countries in other parts of the world.

Some products, including plants, live animals, and some foods, will also need special licenses and certificates. Other products will need to be labeled in specific ways.

But to limit the devastating impact of the COVID crisis on many companies, the British government has chosen to postpone imposing comprehensive controls on goods entering the UK from the EU for six months, although there will still be controls for certain substances.

Publisher: MB
