Poppy seed tea prevents osteoporosis


Poppy, a plant native to the Middle East, has a special beauty, but also healing properties. The ancient Greeks used the poppy flower to treat both infertility and pain relief. The petals contain mucilages and alkaloids, substances that, well dosed, have calming effects.

Useful in case of osteoporosis.

Poppy seeds contain Omega-6 fatty acids and phosphorus, substances that help to better absorb calcium in the bones. Therefore, they are useful for both preventing and reducing the symptoms of osteoporosis.

You can make a cure with poppy seed infusion for 14 days.

More than 10 g of seeds pour a cup of boiling water and infuse it for 10 minutes. When it cools, strain. Take a tablespoon 2-3 times a day after meals.

Also read poppy flowers, health benefits

Relieves symptoms of bronchitis.

Dried poppy petals are an excellent remedy for bronchitis. Prepare an infusion with a teaspoon of dried petals, over which pour a cup of boiling water. Let infuse for 10-15 minutes.

Drink during the day. The infusion is also helpful in relieving flu symptoms such as fever, headache, fatigue, joint pain.

It is good both for those who suffer from whooping cough and for people who have tracheitis or laryngitis.

The treatment is followed for a maximum of 5 days. In case of laryngitis and hoarseness, you can gargle with poppy flower infusion several times a day.

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