Poland is giving back. I would be willing to veto and approve the European budget and the economic recovery package


Poland would be ready to give up its veto on the European Union financial package if EU leaders adopt an explanatory statement on the link between European funds and the rule of law, Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Gowin said on Thursday. met with various officials of the European Commission.

According to Reuters, after this meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Gowin said that Poland realized that a veto on the EU budget for 2021-2027 and the economic recovery fund would financially affect both Poland and the other partner countries. .

“I think it is in everyone’s best interest to find a good compromise. Such compromise is possible through an attached declaration interpreting the rule of law,” said the Polish deputy prime minister. He added that such a declaration must be adopted by EU leaders. “The interpretative declaration could be a clear commitment from the European Council that this conditioning will not be used to put undue pressure on member states in areas other than the proper use of European funds,” said Jaroslaw Gowin.

The European Commission’s Plan B convinced Warsaw

The European Commission has announced that it is already studying various options to activate the post-pandemic recovery fund without Poland and Hungary, if these countries do not lift the veto on this plan in the coming days, which they have blocked together with the EU’s multi-annual budget. .

The Polish official acknowledged that the European Commission officials he spoke to on Thursday clearly told him they have a plan B: If Poland and Hungary maintain their veto, the EU will have no choice but to approve the fund without the two countries. recovery, which will then be divided into 25 countries.

The budget of 1.1 trillion euros and the special economic recovery fund of 750,000 million euros that will be made available to the 27 EU countries could not be approved due to opposition from Poland and Hungary, who do not want them. funds are conditional on compliance with the rule of law.

Both countries are under the control of the EU institutions due to legislation passed in recent years that affects the independence of the judiciary, the press and non-governmental organizations, and the two states are at risk of sanctions.

Polish Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Gowin was Minister of Justice in the cabinet of liberal Donald Tusk (2011-2013), former President of the European Council. Gowin is now part of the conservative cabinet in power in Warsaw, as minister of science and higher education, and also as deputy prime minister.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
