PNL Announces Deputy Mayors for Bucharest: For Example, Actress Magda Catone Will Be in Sector 2 – Source News


The president of PNL Bucharest, Violeta Alexandru, announced on Monday who are the deputy mayors of the PNL for the Capital City Council and the district mayors, where the right has a majority in the councils. In Sector 2 both deputy mayors will be PNL, while in Sector 6 the deputy mayors will be USR PLUS. “We have the support of the PMP for projects started for the good of the people of Bucharest. We are in consultation with PMP, a consultation based on principles of equity,” said Violeta Alexandru.

“In my NLP team, all the nomination meetings of candidates for the positions of deputy mayors were held in the Capital and in the sectors. These people should start working with our partners immediately. I promised the people of Bucharest seriousness and for me this is very important. It is the business card with which I appeared in the 2020 local elections. Respecting the Protocol celebrated with our USR-PLUS partners, in the political offices of the NLP organizations in all sectors where, in the municipalities, we have a majority with the partners, recently nominated candidates for vice mayors. In the Capital – through the Political Bureau of the Municipality of Bucharest, in the sectors – through the Sectorial Political Offices. We do not have a majority in sector 5, the Right will not propose a deputy mayor. Basically, PNL respects the principle of parity, the principle expressly established in the Protocol signed, before the elections, with USR-PLUS, for the good of the people of Bucharest, ”Violeta Alexandru wrote on Afcebook on Monday.

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According to her, the list of PNL deputy mayors is: “PNL Deputy Mayor General – Stelian Bujduveanu.

As is known, the USR – PLUS nomination for Vice President is Vlad Voiculescu. Stelian is already in coordination with Vlad, I have full confidence that they will work well with Nicusor Dan.

Deputy Mayor Sector 1 PNL – Ramona Porumb

Deputy Mayors of Sector 2 PNL – Magda Catone and Adrian Costache

Deputy Mayor of Sector 3 PNL – Alexandru Oancea

Deputy Mayor of Sector 4 PNL – Robert Florea

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Vice Mayors Sector 6 – both nominations, according to protocol, are from USR – PLUS. As NLP he makes 2 nominations for sector 2. Both mayors (Ciucu, PNL – Sector 6 and Mihaiu, USR-Plus – Sector 2) will demonstrate that they can work with the representatives of the partner party ”.

Violeta Alexandru announces that she is negotiating the support of the PMP.

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“We have the support of the PMP for the projects started for the good of the people of Bucharest. We are in consultation with PMP, a consultation based on the principles of fairness. It is a new beginning in the PNL – PMP collaboration in the Capital and not I hide that I am very attentive to the way in which we respect each other. That is why the right wing has come together not only to win the elections but to continue working. What I think is the most important thing for the people. We will join forces against a PSD that does not give up or let the Capital and the sectors follow a civilized path, of development, of modernization ”, Violeta Alexandru also wrote.

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