PHOTO VIDEO | The flag of Romania, on the tallest building in the world. What other symbolic buildings did our December 1 flag carry?


Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, at 830 meters high, was “dressed” in the Romanian tricolor, on the occasion of the National Day on December 1. Other symbolic buildings on the meridians of the world also carried our national flag today.

Burj Khalifa was lit from top to bottom in red, yellow and blue, the set of lights looking exactly like a flag blown by the wind, according to a video posted on the Boarding Pass Facebook page.

Similar images were captured in other well-known buildings in the world: the Sheraton Hotel in Doha, the Convention Center in Dublin, the Atakule Tower in Ankara, but also in Petra, Jordan.

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Burk Khalifa in Dubai. Photo: Facebook

Dublin Convention Center. Photo: Facebook

Ankara Atakule Tower. Photo: Facebook
Sheraton Hotel, Doha. Photo: Facebook
Petra, Jordan. Photo: Facebook

Publisher: BP
