PHOTO “The traffic revolution”, a failure of proportions. Cars from bar to bar in the Ciurel passage, which should speed up traffic


Bucharest’s latest infrastructure project failed its first major test, on the first business day since its inauguration. On Monday, cars blocked all three lanes coming from Splaiul Independenţei. This is because traffic is blocked on a right turn onto the Camino de la Virtud, a turn that is made in a single lane, with a “yield” indicator.

Citizens in the area photographed the crowded driveway, though it should have helped smooth traffic.

A citizen from the Crângaşi neighborhood group best described the situation: “It is the single and largest suspended parking lot built in Sector 6 during the Firea / Mutu term.”

At the beginning of her term, Mayor General Gabriela Firea promised a true “traffic revolution”. Pasaje Ciurel is one of the few infrastructure projects that was inaugurated during her tenure and was inaugurated a week before local elections, in which Gabriela Firea is not the favorite, according to polls. However, although inaugurated, the pass has limited utility, considering that the road from the A1 motorway to Piteşti has not yet been built, and traffic is also flowing onto Virtue Road.

The Ciurel passage cost 240 million lei and it took about 10 years of work to be ready.

PHOTO Elena Tarhon / Facebook PHOTOS PHOTOS

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