Photo gallery | What will be the name of the new Steaua stadium? Anghel Iordănescu gave the verdict


Anghel Iordănescu, who celebrates today, Monday May 4, 70 years old, former great coach and player in the history of the red blues, gave the verdict.

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The former great coach of Romania said that the arena in Ghencea, which will run in the summer and probably be able to host matches in the fall, can only be named after one legend in the club’s history.

“We should all be happy in that stadium, whether we are with one team or another.” The national team will also play there. Perhaps Mr. Emeric Iena should give the name of the stadium, perhaps Gheorghe Constantin, another great name in the history of this club “, said Iordănescu, in Pro X.

Gigi Becali can open the champagne! Ionuț Stroe announced that FCSB will be able to play at Steaua Stadium. Who will manage the arena?

Minister for Youth and Sports, Ionut Stroe announced LIVE and EXCLUSIVELY on Digi Sport Special, on Sunday May 3, 2020, that FCSB you can play in Ghencea, after the new stadium The star will be ready.

Stroe also revealed that the arena in Ghencea will be in the possession of the Ministry of Defense, but they will not be able to prevent the FCSB financier from taking his team to Ghencea.

Asked by the show’s moderator, if FCSB will be able to play at the new Steaua stadium, Ionuț Stroe answered quite clearly.

Ionuț Stroe: “Anyone can play at the Steaua Stadium”

From my point of view, no one can restrict an entity’s access to the stadium, since it is made of public money. Anyone can access these products.

In the Steaua stadium will be the Ministry of Defense, administrator. Anyone can rent the stadium. It is made of public money and anyone can play there.“Ionuț Stroe announced at Digi Sport Special.

Tags: anghel iordanescu , steaua stadium , name of the stadium name
