Petre Piperea lawyer, in serious condition in hospital due to Covid-19. He says he was surprised by how Valeriu Gheorghiță acted


The lawyer Petre Piperea, Gheorghe Piperea’s brother, revealed that he had the new coronavirus. His experience was terrible. He felt very bad and one of the doctors who supported him was Valeriu Gheorghiță, the president of the CNCAV, even though he “criticized” him. “I note, appreciate and congratulate Dr. Valeriu Gheorghiță for his professionalism and competence and I thank him for the fact that, in my most difficult moments, he demonstrated perfect human qualities, ignored some criticism about him and found the will to send me some words of encouragement. “said Petre Piperea.

“After a dramatic personal experience caused by the Covid-19 infection, I decided to make public some relevant aspects of what I experienced during this period, with the sole purpose of helping to understand the enormous risk of this virus and to help people to save their lives by taking appropriate action in a timely manner I hope you have the patience to read to the end and not suspect any hidden purposes in this post.

Previous requirements:

• I wore a mask to go to the office, shopping, outdoors, and in all required situations, except for the obvious gatherings with friends and family. Also, hygiene was a priority for me before the pandemic.

• I am writing this material with the sincere intention of helping people understand that the virus may be a common cold for some, but it can be LETHAL for others; I was convinced that I would overcome this virus with the same ease with which my colleagues, family and friends who had already been infected, but my reality was radically different and I arrived at the hospital in critical condition.

• I specify that I did not wait for the disease to disappear by itself, but went to the hospital for a first evaluation of the first symptoms that announced a serious form of infection.

• I am not talking about the origin of the virus or how politicians exploit it: the virus exists anyway and can cause us a lot of harm.

• The following does not represent a specialized opinion in any way, so it will be directed to medical personnel.

My message:

1. Do not ignore the lethal potential of this virus, do not minimize the risks if you have been infected, go to the hospital to evaluate if the symptoms are more serious. I personally found during my hospitalization that the most serious problems occurred as a result of the postponement of the presentation for medical support.

2. Keep a pulse oximeter at home just in case. If you are infected with Covid, constantly monitor your blood oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter (it is extremely simple with this tool). If your saturation drops below 93, without fluctuating back to 95, 96, or higher, go to the hospital immediately for an evaluation (you may not wake up the next day). I went to the hospital with saturation 91 and I arrived with saturation 87. They put me in an oxygen mask and stabilized me, but I was on edge that night.

3. The sooner you request medical assistance, the better your chances of life. I am not exaggerating when I speak of saving lives: I had no known health problems (fact confirmed by tests at the hospital), I went to the hospital for a first evaluation on 03.12.2021, I received a treatment plan that included antibiotics and I stayed in home for medication. Despite my rigor when taking the medication, the virus caused severe pneumonia that blocked my lungs on 03/15/2021 (at that stage, you can’t breathe even once and you get addicted to oxygen from the mask or God won’t want, they can intubate you).

4. Finally, I needed 10 days of hospitalization, of which 8 were spent almost entirely in bed, with 2 oxygen masks (nostrils plus the mask itself, maximum level – 25 liters). If this 25-liter level was not enough, I would have followed ATI and possibly intubation, which is why I looked at the pulse oximeter in horror and prayed that the saturation did not decrease again. Imagine the panic and horror you would feel in those moments and try to avoid those situations. Now I think a lot that “killed by Covid” means death by suffocation. May God rest those who have lost this miserable battle!

5. During this interval, I was almost completely weak, I could not get up even sitting, hydration and feeding were enormous efforts (I asked 2 days in a row for the bread already cut into pieces because I could not break it). I also asked the nurses to put the food in my arms because I couldn’t get up to take the pot next to me. Important note: permanent hydration and nutrition are essential for survival. The biggest adventure of those days was going to the bathroom just 3 meters from me (I fell asleep exhausted after such a journey).

6. During 10 days of hospitalization, I lost 9 kg of weight.

7. After this period of inactivity, I will need a lot of time for physical recovery and for the restoration of lung capacity.

8. My conclusion: I was scared and still scared of some evil effect of the Covid-19 vaccine, but if this vaccine can protect me against a severe / severe form of the disease, I will not hesitate to do so and will insist that everyone close to me stop do this. I don’t even need to be fully protected from the virus, which means I can get infected again, but I don’t want to get into the situation I was in.

I will also identify some masks with greater protection and continue to use them.

Additional clarifications and acknowledgments:

• I fully agree with the criticisms of politicians installed “in the vanguard” who handled this crisis execrable. For me, today’s “leaders” are, for the most part, a handful of sinister incompetent, irresponsible businessmen, who have seized power to satisfy their personal interests in this super-friendly context. During all this time, they could have built hospitals, they could have bought equipment and beds, they could have trained staff, they could even have brought in people from other countries (Nepal or any other country), but they just do that. huge funds, to complain about the reduced number of hospital places and scare ourselves that we will not be able to go to the hospital when necessary.

In this notion of cynical figures, I note, appreciate and congratulate Dr. Valeriu Gheorghiță for your professionalism and competence and I thank you that in my most difficult moments, showed perfect human qualities, ignored some criticism towards him and found the will to send me a few words of encouragement (They meant a lot mentally; all patients at that stage are struggling with a terrible panic that seriously affects their psyche and their chances of recovery.)

• A firm line must be drawn between the incompetent leaders mentioned and the doctors / medical personnel on the front line: it would be deeply unfair not to recognize and reward the effort of these people who work in incredible conditions: they are dressed in suits like cosmonauts, with masks , visors, three rows of gloves on his hands (apparently he also uses pampering during this interval, since I can’t take off that suit at 4 hour intervals).

During the visits, I could only see their eyes, and their names were written with the marker on those monkeys. To understand the effort of these people, I also mention that one of the doctors who treated us also turned positive.

It is true that I have heard reports from hospitals where the medical staff did not live up to expectations, but the ones I met were impeccable in all respects. Thank you to all those beautiful eyes for the fantastic help you gave me. thus saving my life! I ask God to reward them tenfold and to soften the good that those people have done me! Petre Piperea said.
