Partial results LOCAL ELECTIONS 2020. The first BEC data, published by


END DATES OF THE DEPARTURE SURVEY published by Mediafax at 10.30 pm. After the polls close, the vote count will begin and the BEC will present the data in real time. Mediafax will transmit the first partial results of the elections as soon as they are available.

Also read: Local elections 2020. Change in Timisoara. Nicolae Robu admits defeat
Read also: Local elections 2020. Two mayors in Iasi? Mihai Chirica and Cosette Chichirău say they won
Read also: The surprise of Sector 2. Who is the mysterious Radu Mihaiu (USR), the candidate of the PNL-USR PLUS alliance, given the new mayor of Sector 2
Also read: Băsescu: Nicuşor Dan is the new mayor. I saw Ms. Firea waiting for the count to change in the morning. No ma’am, it’s not like Geoana, that’s for sure

Partial results in the municipal elections of Oradea

PNL won the local elections in Bihor County. Ioan Bolojan will have a new term as President of the City Council and Florin Birta won the elections in Oradea.

Partial results after counting the votes in 140 of the 145 polling stations in Oradea

Councilor of the City Council:

Ilie Bolojan (NLP) – 74.34%,

Szabo Jozsef (UDMR) – 10.56%,

Ioan Mang (PSD): 6.82%

Oradea City Council:

Florin Birta (PNL) – 70.27%

Attila Cseke (UDMR) – 11.36%

Emilian Pavel – 7.71%

Partial results in the local elections of Iasi

Mihai Chirică, NLP candidate, obtained a new term in the Iaşi City Council, according to the partial results, after counting the votes of 85% of the polls.

After counting the votes of 217 polling stations (85%), Mihai Chirica obtained 42.1% of the votes.

Mihai Chirica (PNL) 42.1%

Cosette Chichirău (USR PLUS) – 30.1%

Camelia Gavrilă (PSD): 13.1%.

Partial results in the local elections of Constance

After counting the votes of 112 polling stations in Constance, the results give the winner to Vergil Chiţac, the NLP candidate.

Vergil Chiţac (NLP) – 13,261 votes

Stelian Ion (USR Plus) – 11,450 votes

Decebal Făgădău (PSD) – 11,360 votes

The first EXIT-POLL from 9:00 p.m. CURS-AVANGARDE Results

The first data from the exit poll showed that in Bucharest, Nicusor Dan obtained the highest number of votes in the 2020 local elections.

Nicusor Daniel Dan (independently supported by PNL – USR PLUS) – 47.2%

Gabriela Firea (PSD) – 39.0%

Traian Basescu (PMP): 8.6%

Florin Călinescu (Green Party) – 1.7%

Călin Popescu Tăriceanu (ALDE) – 1.6%

Ioan Sîrbu (PRO Alliance Bucharest 2020) – 0.6%

Alexandru-Ion Coita (PRR) – 0.3%

Harry-Ilan Laufer (PFIN) – 0.1%

Other – 0.8%

EXIT SURVEY to the sectors of the Capital

In Sector 1 Clotilde Armand (PNL- USRPLUS) 47%, Daniel Tudorache (PSD) 37.7%

Sector 2 Radu Mihaiu (PNL-USRPLUS 42%, Dan Cristian Popescu (PSD) 31%

Sector 3 Robert Negoiţă (Pro Romania) 39%, Aurelian Bădulescu (PSD) 14%

Sector 4 Daniel Băluţă (PSD) 55% Simona Elena (PNL-USR PLUS) 37%

Sector 5 Cristian Băcanu (PNL-USR PLUS) 27.3%, Daniel Florea (PSD) 24.3%

Sector 6 Ciprian Ciucu (PNL-USR PLUS) 48.2% Gabriel Mutu (PSD) 35.2%

Municipality of Constanta: Vergil Chiţac (PNL): 29%, Stelian Ion (USR) 29%, Decebal Făgădău (PSD) 23.5%

The city of Craiova: Olguţa Vasilescu (PSD) 34.5, Giurgea Nicolae (NLP) 29%

Exit poll conducted by CURS-Avangarde, data valid for 7.30pm.

MEDIAFAX will present, at 9:00 p.m., the first ballot boxes after today’s vote, in the 2020 local elections. After 9:00 p.m., the BEC will begin to present the first partial results of the 2020 local elections.

The exit polls are carried out by the electoral institutes CURS and AVANGARDE, which also carried out the polls in the elections to the European Parliament on May 26, 2019.

Until the publication of the first partial BEC results, Mediafax presents the results of the 2016 vote.

RESULTS OF THE 2016 LOCAL ELECTION VOTING, in the previous elections

At the national level, the vote for the provincial councils was won by PSD with 37.58% of the votes, followed by PNL with 31.93%, ALDE with 6.31%, UDMR with 5.33% and PMP with 4, 27%. , after the results of all the polling stations were centralized.

The participation of the provincial councils was 49.77%, according to BEC.

Regarding the vote for mayors, PSD leads with 34.83%, followed by PNL with 31.49% and ALDE with 5.73%. Independent candidates received 5.71% of the votes.

In the municipalities, PSD has 33.64%, followed by PNL with 29.60%, ALDE with 6.52%, UDMR with 4.66% and PMP with 4.30%.

The participation of mayors and municipalities was 48.17%.

Thus, PSD won 1,677 mayoralties, followed by PNL, with 1,081 mayoralties. In the following places were UDMR – 195 mayoral mandates, ALDE – 64, independent candidates – 53 mandates and UNPR 26 mandates. The rest of the parties obtained less than 20 mayoral terms, including the PMP, which has 18 mayors.

The Social Democrats obtained the highest number of local councilman terms: 16,648. The PSD is followed by the mandates of municipal councilors PNL – 13,193, ALDE – 2504, UDMR – 2284, PMP – 1315 and UNPR – 1203. The rest of the parties and alliances have less than 1,000 councilor seats.

PSD won the most county councilman terms: 579. PNL won 496 terms, UDMR 95 terms, ALDE 76 and PMP 37.

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