Parliamentary coup in Chisinau: Dodon isolates the Republic of Moldova and imposes drastic sanctions on the EU and the US Iulian Chifu


Dodon clings to power, has formed a coalition of the corrupt and kleptocracy and further isolates the Republic of Moldova and subjects it to the sign of drastic sanctions from the EU and the United States.

News in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova confirms the illegitimate seizure of power by Dodon Y confiscation of majority, undermining the popular vote two weeks ago. Total takeover of Parliament in an illegal format, illegally adopted laws Y without observing parliamentary procedures turns December 3 into a true record of a parliamentary coups. At the same time, Russia is gaining gifts and instruments of influence across the line, while at the same time federalization of the Republic of Moldova for the veto granted to Gagauzia, the takeover of public space by Russia and Russian media and Re-Russification of the Republic of Moldova as in the Soviet period!

The most dangerous and manifestly unconstitutional laws adopted belong to:

  • Federalization of the Republic of Moldova – Gagauzia’s veto of laws that affect or influence him
  • Transfer of state law enforcement agencies to Parliament (read under the control of Dodon – a person who has no position after December 24 but wants to continue leading in the shadows with the PSRM and the pro-Russian majority made up of the Shor Party and the Por Moldavia group, bought in pieces with the State Budget help)
  • Audiovisual lawrepeal of the anti-propaganda law which reduced programs in Romanian and brings back Russian television with news and propaganda in the foreground will take control of the public space again
  • state Russian as a language of ethnic communication – Bring back the nightmare the law of languages ​​of the Soviet period, law passed in September 1989, declared obsolete by the Constitutional Court in 2018, repealed today. With or without the explicit support of Moscow, the re-Russification of the Republic of Moldova is taking place before our eyes.

On the other hand, the only reactions were a fight in parliament between power and opposition, with the opposition leaving the room, and a demonstration in the street, before Parliament, summoned by the President-elect Maia Sandu with several hundred participants.

At the same time, the protest meeting called by Maia Sandu Sunday threatens to suffer the intervention of law enforcement agencies for Covid reasons and not authorization from the City Council.


About that Dodon carries his SIS (Security and Intelligence Service) behind him wherever he wants, it no longer makes sense to talk. It is like a toy that you put in your pocket.

Follow changes in all state institutions that are or fall under new laws under parliamentary control. A true lustration made by the losing president Igor Dodon together with the Shor Party and the Por Moldavia group of refugees from all over, bought in pieces. The changes affect the management of the following institutions:

– Audiovisual Council;

– National Center for the Protection of Personal Data;

– National Value Comission;

– National Integrity Authority;

– National Bank of Moldova;

– National Agency for Energy Regulation;

– National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology;

– National Complaint Resolution Agency;

– Competition Council;

– Service for the Prevention and Fight against Money Laundering.

Everything was paid by Dodon state budget money, also illegally adopted today – without presentation, without motivation, without debate – with financing schemes and purchase of deputies. The fiscal-fiscal policy project, but also the state budget and the state budget for social security were voted on at first reading by the majority of the PSRM – “For Moldova”, without examination.

The result? Starting tomorrow, the Republic of Moldova will enter the emergency procedure to monitor and evaluate the general sanctions that will be applied by both the EU and the US. Most likely there is support for the president-elect and a project formula to assist independent local authorities, following as a large set of sanctions deviate from the Republic of Moldova, which he will be widowed by any financing!

Further, both the Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Moldova and especially the perpetrators of the coup with their families, led by Dodon, to enter the account lockout, travel ban and criminal investigations opened internationally for embezzlement to date with Romanian, American and European funds.

All pardon is gone, all dialogue ceases and the authorities and the leadership of the Republic of Moldova is worse off in quarantine than if they were plagued. All while they will try formulas to support ordinary citizens of the Republic of Moldova directly, through formulas that help them survive both the coronavirus and the subsequent economic recession, which will last until cessation of payments Y international business processes suffering the financial and political embezzlement of the Dodon clique. And these are just the preliminary measures that come into play.

I don’t think Russia is too happy, although apparently they were given gifts difficult to recover for a president who wants to be of all citizens, including those who speak Russian. Instead, Moscow knows full well that what it has gained through coercion, fraud and theft anyway will be challenged in the Constitutional Court and, in addition, it will generate, by the lied and stolen population of their choice, and more support for the West, the EU and Romania Y an increasingly bad image for Russia, in association with Dodon. A completely isolated Dodon, with a government that will not be received anywhere and will not be able to do anything, on the contrary, will drag the Republic of Moldova into bankruptcy and economic collapse.
