Pablo Cortacero has arrived in Romania! Short message sent to the airport


  • FCSB – The future (Sunday, at 21:00, Digi Sport 1)

  • University of Craiova – Astra (Sunday, at 18:00, Digi Sport 1)

Cortacero arrived in Romania on a flight from Malaga and was received at the airport by the sports director and his right hand, Rufo Collado, and the head of the Scouting department, Marius Iorga.

At the airport, the Iberian did not want to say much. When asked if he was excited, he replied: “A little, we’ll talk tomorrow”, and finally added a “Come on Dinamo!”, states

Cortacero, press conference in Săftica

Pablo Cortacero, Dinamo’s majority shareholder, will hold a press conference at the Săftica “dogs” base on Sunday, at 5:00 pm, the day before Cosmin Contra’s team match against Chindia.

At the meeting with the representatives of the media, organized in the central field of the Săftica training base, outdoors, in accordance with the restrictions imposed in Romania to stop the spread of the coronavirus, the new majority shareholder will be present from Dinamo Bucharest, the sports management and the new coaching staff of our team “, shown in the press release.

The match between Chindia and Dinamo can be seen on Monday, starting at 9:00 PM, LIVE on Digi Sport 1, on for RCS-RDS subscribers and on the Digi Online app.

Tags: Dynamo , dynamo actuator , Pablo Cortacero
