Pablo Cortacero entered for Dinamo! What you could say in front of the team. What was the reaction of the players


The Dinamo footballers have nothing to lose and made a series of revelations about Pablo Cortacero and the leaders who came to “Esteban el Grande”. According to Dinamo defender Ricardo Grigore, Pablo Cortacero entered the team’s dressing room only once, after which he “disappeared” in Spain.

The situation at Dinamo did not change at the beginning of 2021. Among the promises made at the General Assembly at the end of last year, Pablo Cortacero assured that 1.5 million euros will go to the club’s accounts and that the capital increase will be carried out . In fact, the majority shareholder of Dinamo claimed that it was sabotaged, which is why economic problems appeared in “Ştefan cel Mare”.

What did Pablo Cortacero do when he arrived at Dinamo’s dressing room! The players believed him

Pablo Cortacero and the Spaniards brought to the management of Dinamo had daily appearances, after they took over the club, but little by little they were disappearing, after economic problems appeared. The new leaders did not transfer the promised money and the players and employees were misled by the promises.

At the end of August, when the problems began to appear, Pablo Cortacero arrived at Dinamo’s dressing room. In Cosmin Contra’s first match on the blue and white bench, the Spaniard delivered a mobilizing speech and the players believed in the promises of the majority shareholder: “It came only once, before the match with Chindia (no – Chindia Targoviste – Dinamo 1-0, on August 31, 2020), Mr. Cosmin’s first match. He said that he wishes us the best of luck, that we have a good game and that we are calm in terms of money, that everything will be resolved “next week”. We were all happy that he came to wish us luck, that he was with us, we realized, but he came, he told us these things that everything will be solved, we all trust. Nobody asked about the money, from the moment he came and said this, nobody asked about the money.

He seemed like a serious man, and we all thought he wasn’t one to lie or do things like that. In life you cannot trust anyone, not even your shadow, in the dark it disappears. Until September or October, we received part of our salary, but not his money, from television rights. “said the Dinamo defender in an interview with Telekom Sport.

Photo: Rufo Collado and Pablo Cortacero, at the Ploieşti stadium, in Chindia Târgovişte – Dinamo 1-0, on August 31, 2020.

The arrival of Pablo Cortacero, a dream at Dinamo! The nightmare followed

Dinamo defender Ricardo Grigore, who admitted that he is not willing to present a memorandum to be free, recounted how the arrival of new investors to “Ştefan cel Mare” was seen, after the “era of Ionuţ Negoiă”: “We were all happy, optimistic, everyone wanted to come to Dinamo. Yes, it was a dream. From the moment the problems with non-payment of salaries arose, there was panic in the team, the players began to fear their future.” in Romania and things have degenerated and we have reached the situation that we have reached at the moment. From the moment we lost some games, I felt that something was wrong and not necessarily with our sports form ”, Ricardo Grigore also said.

The entire Dinamo defender also spoke about Dinamo’s darkest scenario, the one in which the club would risk falling or going bankrupt.
