Pablo Cortacero announced his return to Romania: “I’m going to put Dinamo on a normal path, you’ll see!”


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Pablo Cortacero announced his return to Romania: “I’m going to put Dinamo on a normal path, you’ll see!”

The announcement was made by Ciprian Marica, who says he was called by Pablo Cortacero to discuss the rental of a building owned by the former international.

The Spaniard promised again that he will solve the economic problems, after a period in England, and “will put Dinamo on the normal path”.

“He called me yesterday or the day before and told me that he would come to Bucharest. He told me that he knows (no, how it is perceived in Romania), but that he wants to show it to people. He said that I: ‘Ciprian, you will see that I am going to Bucharest and I will put Dinamo on the normal path. ‘

He says he solved the problem, he was in England, he stayed a good few weeks and that he will return with money for Dinamo. I don’t know if he will rent the offices again. He said he would pay. I told him to solve his problems with Dinamo first. “said Marica, on Digi Sport’s Fotbal Club show.

Dinamo is looking for options to relocate the offices, after Ionuț Negoiță requested evacuation.

Dynamo has to move campus in the next period, because Ionut Negoiță, former majority shareholder and owner of the hotel where the club has offices, evacuation requested.

Mario Nicolae, the club’s sports director, announced that the members of the management are looking for a way to move the office, and one of the solutions is a building owned by Ciprian Marica, to which Pablo Cortacero, still a majority shareholder of Dinamo, appealed. in the same case, absent in the last months of the team’s life.

Office relocation is also on the list. There is great understanding on the part of Mr. Negoiță. We have a long list of problems of all kinds. We need to see what we solve first.

There are two or three options at this time. We want to move to the heart of the club, in the Ștefan cel Mare area. The version with the Ciprian Marica building did not fall apart, especially since Ciprian invested a lot of money to make that premium level headquarters.

We do not have such high economic possibilities, there are many things to negotiate. It is not something that can be done like this, from today until tomorrow. I hope the club has a new headquarters as soon as possible“Declares Mario Nicolae, in the Liga Digi Sport program.

Tags: league 1 , Dynamo , ciprian marica , Pablo Cortacero
