Our movement is just beginning


Donald Trump says: in his last speech as president of the United States, that will pray for success “of the Joe Biden administration and that the political movement he created “it’s just the beginning“, according to Sky News.

Trump also says that everyone in the United States was “terrified” by the riotsthe since Capitolmeor, according to excerpts from the White House speech.

“Political violence is an attack on everything we value as Americans. It cannot be tolerated.“, he said.

Now when I am preparing to hand over the power of a new administration, Wednesday at noon, I want you to know that the movement I have creat-It is starting“, It is shown in the speech.

Our agenda was not about right or left, not about Republicans or Democrats, but about the good of a nation, and that means the entire nation, “Trump said.

He says his administration has “restored American power at home and American leadership abroad” and “built the largest economy in world history.” Trump adds that under his leadership, the United States “has revitalized its alliances and united the countries of the world to resist China more than ever.”

As a result of our bold diplomacy and principled realism, we have concluded several historic peace agreements in the Middle East. It is the beginning of a new era for a new Middle East and we are bringing our soldiers home, “Trump said.

He added that he was “very proud” to be the first president in decades to “start new wars.”

Editing: Monica Bonea
