Organized crime will try to sell counterfeit Covid-19 vaccines


The international organization Interpol sent a warning message to the 194 member states on Wednesday, urging them to prepare for the actions of organized crime focused on coronavirus vaccines, reports AFP.

In an orange security alert, the international police cooperation organization, based in the French city of Lyon, warns of a “potential criminal activity related to counterfeiting, theft and illegal promotion of vaccines against COVID-19 and the influenza “, according to Agerpres.

“The pandemic has already given way to unprecedented predatory and opportunistic activity,” Interpol said, adding that it had already found “the promotion, sale and administration of counterfeit vaccines” against the coronavirus.

“At a time when more COVID-19 vaccines are nearing approval and widespread distribution, it will be critical to ensure supply chain security and identify illegal sites selling counterfeit products.” draws the attention of the organization.

These actions, aimed at the general public, “pose a significant risk to health or even life” of the victims of these organizations or individuals, Interpol Secretary General Jürgen Stock said in a statement.

“It is essential that authorities are as prepared as possible for the future emergence of all kinds of criminal activities related to COVID-19 vaccines,” he added.

Interpol also calls on member states to be alert to the risk of false evidence, the use of which is likely to intensify with the planned resumption of international travel.

Interpol’s cybercrime unit has identified around 3,000 sites linked to pharmacies suspected of selling counterfeit and illegal drugs and medical supplies.

“To avoid falling into the trap of these online scams, it is important to remain vigilant and wary of offers that most of the time seem too good to be true,” the organization said.

Publisher: AC
