Orban’s secrets, pulled from the drawer. Did you expect him to be the Prime Minister of Romania?


Prime Minister Ludovic Orban was born on May 25, 1963 in Brasov and comes from a multi-ethnic family, his father is ethnic Hungarian and his mother is ethnic Romanian.

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban was an eminent student

In his teens, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban was an eminent student, and his results prove it: although he became one of the most influential people in Romania, injustices did not bypass the prime minister. Such an episode occurred when Ludovic Orban was a student in his first year of high school. He was a physics Olympian and had to make it to the national scene, but he had the same score as a colleague whose parents were more influential. Since only one student from each county could go, the one with the most power made it to the Olympics.

Photo Source: BZI

“Annoyed, in the next term I dropped my physics thesis. Another colleague, Marius, jumped out of the window just before the thesis and went to the Museum of Natural Sciences, not alone, but with two girls. Obviously, I had to give the thesis later and my mother scolded me harshly, who was immediately informed by the Physics professor about the thesis. I had no problem with Physics, but it was a form of frond, of protest, “said Ludovic Orban.

What studies does Prime Minister Ludovic Orban have?

After graduating from “Andrei Șaguna” high school in Brașov. Orban enrolled in the Faculty of Machine Construction Technology of the University of Brașov (1988) and did postgraduate studies in the Faculty of Political Science of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies (1993). He then worked as a trainee engineer at Târgu Secuiesc Isolator (1988-1990), a technological engineer at Tractorul Brașov (1990-1991) and editor at the Viitorul Românesc newspaper (1991-1992).

Ludovic Orban’s political career

Ludovic Orban entered politics in 1992, as a member of the PNL – Aripa Tânără, which later became PL ’93. After the government reorganization of April 5, 2007, Ludovic Orban assumed the position of Minister of Transport in the Government of Tariceanu, a portfolio that he held until the end of the mandate of this Government, on December 22, 2008.

He was a deputy from Bucharest between 2008-2016. At the NLP congress in June 2017, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban was elected NLP president, defeating Cristian Bușoi MEP.

In October 2019, after the fall of the government led by Viorica Dăncilă, President Klaus Iohannis tasked Ludovic Orban with the formation of a new cabinet. The team led by Ludovic Orban received the vote of confidence in Parliament on November 4. On the evening of the same day, he was sworn in at the Cotroceni Palace.
