Orban: “We will not be able to buy the 250,000 tablets.” Whose fault is it?


The prime minister announced Sunday night that not all 250,000 student tablets could be purchased.

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announces that he will change the leadership of the National Centralized Procurement Office (ONAC), the announcement was made in the context in which the central authorities found that they cannot complete the tender carried out by ONAC for the purchase of 250,000 tablets for delivery. students, for the completion of online school courses. Orban says that the government has created the legal framework so that purchases of tablets or medical supplies for schools can be made by local authorities and schools, and will be settled with European funds, according to News.ro.

“We will not be able to buy the 250,000 tablets. The purchase is at ONAC,” Ludovic Orban said in a program on B1 TV on Sunday.

When asked why the government does not change the leadership of the National Central Procurement Office, Orban replied: “We will change it.”

“We will change it, we will change it. Now I didn’t want to go to the acquisitions base, because a scandal was coming out right away. The president of ONAC is the president I found in office. (…) You need a reason to take over. There was a lot of of that decision here, in my opinion, an awkwardness and also, how to say, excessive rigor in the course of the procedure, it took too long, we will eventually buy 70-80,000. We have planned, issued, issued an Emergency Ordinance that is in force We have mobilized economic resources from European funds, 175 million euros, which are strictly dedicated to the costs of opening schools. We will reimburse local authorities or schools for any purchase made, we have one hundred million euros for tablets, 500,000 can be purchased tablets, we have 50 million euros for materials, protective equipment that we will also reimburse to the local authorities ”, said the prime minister.

The prime minister said that the joint order of the ministers of health and education regulating the opening of the school year will be published on Monday, no later than Tuesday.

He drew attention to the fact that there is a law in Parliament that allows the employment of non-teaching personnel in schools, which obliges PSD parliamentarians to adopt the normative act.

“Instead of sticking to the motions of no confidence, the PSD, if it is really concerned about the opening of schools, should quickly pass, as other laws have passed, the bill that would allow us to hire medical personnel in” To be able to ensure compliance health conditions in schools and other things absolutely necessary for starting school, ”the head of government also stated.
