Orban validated the lists of parliamentarians. Which cabinet ministers are not among the nominations?


President of the PNL, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban. announced on Sunday night, after the meeting of the liberal leadership, that the lists of candidates for the parliamentary elections were validated almost unanimously and with very few changes compared to the proposals presented by the powers that be. Orban specified that Defense Minister Nicolae Ciucă, who became a member of the PNL, will run for the first Senate seat in Dolj and that only two Cabinet members will not run, Ministers Bogdan Aurescu and Marcel Boloş.

“I validated the lists almost unanimously. They are mostly, with very few morifications, the ones transmitted by the branches,” Orban said.

He announced that Defense Minister Nicolae Ciucă, whose registration in the NLP was announced Sunday night, will run for 1st place in the Senate in Dolj.

According to NLP leader Mara Mareş, leader of the youth organization, will run for the Chamber in Bucharest.

“Otherwise, we follow the proposals of the subsidiaries,” said Ludovic Orban, according to news.ro

He said that all ministers will run in the parliamentary elections on December 6. With the exception of the Minister of European Funds, Marcel Boloş, about whom he stated that “he is a liberal, but he is a missionary priest and prefers to serve” and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, who is a career diplomat.

According to Orban, in Dolj, the Minister of Youth and Sports, Ionuţ Stroe, is running for the Chamber of Deputies, Development Minister Ionel Ştefan is the first in the Chamber of Deputies, in Vrancea, where the head of the Chancellery, Ionel Dancă, is also a candidate. is running in Bucharest, for the Chamber, and the Finance, Florin Câţu ranks first in the Senate, also in Bucharest. In addition, Education Minister Monica Anisiei and Government Secretary General Antonel Tănase are also candidates in Bucharest.

“Our goal is to win the elections. We will establish the national goal and a goal for each regional branch,” he added.

Ludovic Orban also referred to those who are no longer on the lists either because they have not applied or because of the situation, thanking them and announcing that they will continue together.

“Although some of them are no longer on the lists, we are still together,” said the president of PNL.

He said that in Ialomita, President Tinel Gheorghe, a parliamentarian with old states, resigned. There, Robert Chioveanu, president of ANSVSA and the secretary of state of the MEC Luminiţa Barcari will open the lists for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

Orban affirms that in the Argeş branch he supported the candidacy of Daniel Constatin who supported the PNL “at a decisive moment”

“They were also dissatisfied in Mureş and Brăila. I also tried to talk to those in the places considered ineligible and told them that if they go to work they have the possibility of being chosen,” he said.

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