Orban, shock announcement about the future prime minister: “The party that wins the elections is given by the prime minister!”


Only if the first-place party fails to gather the required majority, the second-place party can end up appointing a prime minister.

Ludovic Orban: Normally, the president has to take into account the outcome of the elections. As a general rule, in all democracies, the party that wins the election is the first party to nominate the prime minister. Of course, this prime minister must form a parliamentary majority that will lead to government investment.

Journalist: You can also be elected from the second-place party, right?

Ludovic Orban: Such a situation can be reached, but only if the party that wins the elections and the prime minister appointed to form the majority fail. That is why I tell you once again: The government in democracy, the party that wins the elections, is given by the prime minister. The party that enjoys the most support from the population is usually the prime minister. That is, this is happening in all the democracies of this world, because it is the party that has the greatest support and the program that was presented by the party that wins the elections must become predominant in the government plan of the future government.

PSD won the 2020 parliamentary elections with 29.83% of the vote, followed by PNL – 24.66% and USR-PLUS – 15.44%. The GOLD party, surprise of this election, enters Parliament, with 8.65% of the votes, according to the partial results transmitted by the Central Electoral Table, this Monday morning.

From the polling stations of 19553 until 10 am, the centralizing acts of 12,228 polling stations were centralized, representing 62.54% at the level of the Provincial Electoral Offices.

Provisional results of the BEC 2020 parliamentary elections:

The Chamber of Deputies

PSD – 1,060,428 votes – 29.39%

NLP – 874,764 votes – 24.24%

USR Alliance – Plus – 542,776 votes – 15.4%

Alliance for the Union of Romanians – 297,909 votes – 8.26%

UDMR – 267,914 votes – 7.42%

PMP – 169,366 votes – 4.69%

Pro Romania – 154,731 votes – 4.29%


PSD – 1,083,062 votes – 29.83%

NLP – 895,372 votes – 24.66%

USR Alliance – Plus – 560,748 votes – 15.44%

Alliance for the Union of Romanians – 314,222 votes – 8.65%

UDMR – 274,846 votes – 7.57%

PMP – 173,045 votes – 4.77%

Pro Romania – 155,219 votes – 4.27%
