On Wednesday, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban and Economy Minister Virgil Popescu spoke with HoReCa representatives about the state aid scheme to compensate for the losses registered by companies in this sector due to the health crisis.

It was decided to extend for six months the application of the technical strike for employees whose activity is affected by the pandemic

The Orban government will discuss at first reading, no later than next week, the draft normative act that provides for the granting of aid to companies in the hotel sector and travel agencies to compensate for the losses registered in the context of the pandemic.

Another point of discussion referred to the extension of the application of the measure of granting technical unemployment to employees and the way to apply flexible hours. Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said he was in favor of extending the technical unemployment rate to six months for employees affected by the health crisis and said it was useful to make Kurzarbeit’s work schedule more flexible to better meet the needs of the HoReCa sector. shown in the message.

The Orban government prepares to cover 20% of the losses of HoReCa entrepreneurs

During this week or, at the latest, next week, the Government will analyze, in first reading, the draft normative act by which the mechanism by which companies in the hospitality sector and travel agencies will benefit will be approved of subsidies for an amount of 20%, in order to partially cover the loss of turnover suffered this year, compared to 2019“The representatives of the Executive transmitted on Facebook.

This state aid scheme will be implemented after approval by the European Commission, and the implementation mechanism will be facilitated through an electronic application to reduce red tape.

Minister of Economy: We will support the HoReCa sector

“I understand them perfectly, just so that all entrepreneurs in this field understand that what doctors say, we have to listen to them … Yes they say that there is a greater possibility of contagion we have to believe that it is about public health and we cannot question what they say. I am convinced that nobody would be crazy to close HORECA if it were not necessary.

Obviously we will think of some form of help for HORECA. We are currently running that one billion euro program. We launched Scheme 1 with the help of a 2,000 euro grant for micro-businesses. It works quite well so far.

Obviously, we will support the HORECA sector, we will not let people lose their salary during this period: we will obviously take action. I have shown that I acted exactly when the partial blockade occurred, not only in Horeca, I supported it with the state budget and I am convinced that we will take firm measures immediately so that we do not have problems with employees in this sector. ” Virgil Popescu said.