Orban: Agreement with the US for the construction of Cernavoda reactors received approval from the European Commission – Energy


The intergovernmental agreement between the US and Romania in the field of nuclear-civil cooperation received the approval of the European Commission, which means that the Cernavoda reactors 3 and 4 can be built with Euro-Atlantic partners, announced this Friday the first Minister Ludovic Orban. We remind you that the Executive has notified the European Commission of the agreement with the United States on the construction of reactors 3 and 4 at Cernavoda and the remodeling of reactor 1.

Through this practical endorsement of our draft agreement, we can say that we are closer to the construction of the Cernavoda reactors 3 and 4, with strategic partners from the US and partners from the European Union and we are very happy to have This agreement has been received from the European Commission’s Energy Directorate, which, here, will allow us to sign the agreement in its final form and begin the construction of reactors 3 and 4 at Cernavoda ”, Orban quoted Agerpres.

In October, Romania and the United States signed an intergovernmental agreement for the construction of Units 3 and 4 of the Cernavoda Power Plant, for the remodeling of Unit 1 and for cooperation at various levels in the civil nuclear field in Romania. In addition to this agreement, there is a memorandum of understanding with EXIM US (US Export-Import Bank) for financing of 7 billion dollars for the development of projects in the nuclear field, but also in other fields. But other financial institutions could also be involved.

The agreement with the US for the construction of the reactors will allow the use of US expertise while maintaining the CANDU 6 technology.

In addition to the US partners, Canadian and French companies will also participate in the project. In fact, Romania and France have signed a declaration of intentions for cooperation in the civil nuclear field aimed at collaborating with strategic partners in the construction of reactors 3 and 4 in Cernavoda and the rehabilitation of reactor 1. An agreement was also signed between Nuclearelectrica and Orano, a French state group in the field of nuclear energy. Basically, France will participate, along with EE. UU. And Canada in the construction of Cernavoda reactors.

The proposed 8,000 million euros will be coordinated by AECom and will involve a consortium of US, Romania, Canada and France. AECOM is a US engineering firm, which operates in more than 150 countries, with revenues of more than $ 20 billion in 2019.
