Oral exams at BAC 2020 will be canceled and equivalent


Cristian Otopeanu,

TO UPDATE: The high school oral exams will be equivalent to the high school averages or certificates obtained in the respective disciplines, after specific exams, according to the methodology prepared by order of the Minister of Education.

„For the 2019-2020 school year, the tests to assess the language skills of oral communication in Romanian, the tests to assess the language skills for oral communication in the mother tongue for students who attended high school in one language National Minority Tests The assessment of language skills in an internationally circulated language studied during high school and the digital skills assessment tests are equivalent / recognized according to the methodology approved by order of the Minister of Education and Research, within 15 days from the entry into force of this emergency ordinance, ”reports the Ministry of Education.

The information was initially published, by sources, by edupedu.ro and later confirmed by Raluca Turcan for Profit.ro.

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When the aptitude tests were scheduled:

  • June 9-10, 2020 – Assessment of the linguistic competences of oral communication in Romanian – test A
  • June 11-12, 2020 – Assessment of linguistic skills in oral communication in the mother tongue – test B
  • June 15-17, 2020 – Digital skills assessment – test D
  • June 18-19, 2020 – Assessment of language skills in a language of international circulation – test C

Initial news:

The government introduced in the additional agenda of the meeting a draft emergency ordinance that, according to Ludovic Orban, regulates the situation in Education, “so that we can deal with the organization of exams and activities throughout the alert state.”

According to edupedu.ro, the emergency education ordinance provides for the cancellation of the effective support by students of the aptitude tests for the Baccalaureate 2020.

The proficiency tests would be equivalent to the averages during the year or to the foreign languages ​​or computer certificates, where they exist, writes the cited source.

We will have a change regarding the high school exam. We’ll take the written tests first, starting on June 22, then the skills tests. The national evaluation will begin on June 15.

Education Minister Monica Anisie on May 7:

The fate of high school skills tests has remained uncertain since Education Minister Monica Anisie announced a change from high school on May 7: “We will take the written tests first, then the skills tests.”

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