Operation “Save Dinamo” »Nicolae Badea stalks bankrupt to continue the club’s tradition


The dramatic situation of Dinamo, which had to borrow 167,000 euros from television rights holders in order not to stand out due to debts until June 30, 2020, has already triggered movements in the world of football. Sources close to the Dinamo group assure that Nicolae Badea, who now finances the team from League IV, has already started conversations with several possible collaborators, influential businessmen, who will come to invest in his project.

Thus, CS FC Dinamo Bucharest, which currently holds the record, brand and emblem of the “dogs”, could become the successor of the Ștefan cel Mare club in Romanian football. That is, if we get to the variant, which is increasingly dramatic for the fans, in which the League 1 club, in debt, would go bankrupt.

Debts are mounting, license is in jeopardy

Nobody crowded in to take the team away from Negoiță even when the debts were about four million euros. But now, when so many players have been signed on huge contracts and haven’t been paid for so many months, who else will come? Let the arrears continue to accumulate, the amount has increased by at least 60-70%! ”Say the same sources. And another “tsunami” is announced for March 2021, when the license files for the next season will be analyzed.

To obtain the right to continue playing in League 1, Dinamo must prove that it had no debts with employees and players until December 31, 2020. This under the conditions in which neither the players nor the rest of the employees were paid. for several months, and the salary fund has grown exponentially after incorporating new players, with very important contracts. “If nobody pays these arrears, it would be impossible to obtain a license. There is talk of a new insolvency entry. But if Dinamo also loses its place in League 1, that would practically mean the end,” said the sources.

Thus, if Badea’s plan works, the investments in the 4th League club will be much higher. And the team would start the road to League 1, in case SC Dinamo 1948 disappeared.

Badea helped, but did not want to return

Although he never wanted to invest in the club in Liga 1, which he financed in the past, Nicolae Badea has been helping the “dogs” lately, since the Spanish arrived. Including the refereeing scale for some championship matches. But his support came after the steps taken by Bogdan Bălănescu, the former CEO of Dinamo, who had meanwhile left for FC Voluntari.

14It is Dinamo’s place in League 1 after 11 stages, with only two wins, 3 draws and 6 losses

VIDEO Birlică, Dinamo Marketing Director: “If we declare bankruptcy, bankruptcy awaits us!”

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