online school, telecommuting and mandatory use of mask. Traffic restricted at night


Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced at the start of Thursday’s government meeting that the measures proposed by President Klaus Iohannis will be implemented on Monday, following the amendment of the government’s decision on alertness.

“The measures presented by the President must be transposed in the government’s decision on the state of alert, based on Law 55. I request that the proposed amendments be prepared, which must pass through the CNSU, to be adopted by the Government. . We can make the decisions and the applicability of these decisions will be on Monday, because we have to go through all the legal procedures to modify the GD, ”said Prime Minister Ludovic Orban.

He said it was good that these changes were known before they went into effect. “I ask all the ministers, all heads of institutions, the utmost firmness and commitment to put them into practice,” Orban added.

Klaus Iohannis on online school, telecommuting and business hours

Stronger measures are needed, which so far are no longer sufficient. President Klaus Iohannis said Thursday, on the day of nearly 10,000 infections, that all schools should go online, employees in remote work and, when possible, stores should close at 9:00 p.m.

“Firm measures are needed to control the spread of the pandemic. (…) Schools should all go online, public and private employees should go to telecommute. Whenever possible, stores should close at 9:00 p.m. Maximum, night traffic should be restricted and public and private parties should be banned. Fairs should be closed, “said President Klaus Iohannis, on Thursday night, when he chaired the government meeting.

According to the president, the use of a mask will be required. It should be mandatory nationwide in all public places and at all jobs, whether we are talking about public places inside or outside.

“The use of the mask should be widespread and mandatory and companies and authorities should postpone the hours of operation so that public transport works with a much lower load, thus allowing sufficient distance,” added Iohannis.

Romania also broke the record for new coronavirus infections on Thursday. There are 9,714 new cases in the last day and 121 deaths, and in intensive care they have exceeded 1,000.

Klaus Iohannis does not give up the election: we have the example of the USA.

President Klaus Iohannis did not renounce the idea of ​​elections and said on Thursday night, at the government meeting he chaired, that democracy cannot be put in parentheses, but that it is guaranteed and sets the example of the current elections in United States, but also in 1944, when there was war.

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday, at the government meeting, that the electoral campaign will begin, that it will be one under very strict conditions, then the voting will follow.

Iohannis told members of the government to get “fully” involved so that the elections could be held safely.

“May. I tested it in the local elections that were held recently. There is a lot of discussion in the public space about the opportunity to hold elections in a pandemic. I tell you very clearly: democracy cannot be bracketed. It must democracy is guaranteed. Democracy is also guaranteed by elections, by free elections and strong nations want democratic elections even in conditions of crisis, “said Iohannis.

The president gave the example of the US elections, which were held although there are 100,000 daily cases of COVID-19.

“What better example than the elections that took place a few times ago in the United States. There we look at consolidated democracies with old traditions when we want to see how elections are managed in times of crisis. In the United States the elections took place in a situation in which there are almost 100,000 new cases every day and yet the elections were organized and had a record presence and if you watched television you saw many people in the elections, disciplined, from a distance , all disguised and went and chose or remembers how elections were held in the United States in November 1944 in the middle of the war. But they wanted to hold elections because that is how it should be in a democracy. This is what strong nations do and the Romanian nation is a strong nation dear ones, and we will go through this crisis together, “added Iohannis.

Klaus Iohannis Facebook post: “This is what powerful nations do”

“Today we had almost 10,000 new cases of people who fell ill with COVID-19 and many, too many Romanians who died. Stronger measures are needed, taken at the national level, because those already in place are no longer enough to control the epidemic. Therefore, all schools will switch to online teaching, public and private employees will telecommute whenever possible, shops will close at 9:00 pm and traffic will be restricted at night. Parties will be prohibited. public and private, fairs and markets will be closed, and it will be mandatory to wear a mask everywhere, indoors, even at work and outdoors. Businesses and all authorities will postpone their program, in order to avoid congestion in the means of transportation. We need to control the spread of the pandemic and give doctors the opportunity to treat serious cases. We do not want to shut down the Romanian economy, but take measures that protect n people and the economy keep going. This is what strong nations do and the Romanian nation is a strong nation dear ones, and we will go through this crisis together! “Writes Klaus Iohannis on Facebook, after the Government meeting.

President Klaus Iohannis attended the government meeting on Thursday, the day Romania recorded an all-time record for COVID-19 cases.

To date, on November 5, in Romania, 276,802 cases of people infected with the new coronavirus have been confirmed, with 9,714 illnesses reported in the last 24 hours.

According to the Strategic Communication Group, to date, 7,540 people diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection have died and 191,085 patients have been declared cured. SEE THE COMPLETE BALANCE SHEET HERE.

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