Online school, last minute clarifications for students. Under what conditions will they be considered absent?


A ministerial order signed on December 16, 2020 stipulates that students who sit in class without a video camera, but communicate with teachers and respond to all their requests, cannot be considered absent. However, in the case of evaluations, students must have the audio and video system turned on, in accordance with the new ministerial order. The changes come a few days before winter break and a month and a half after all courses are online. Nationally.

According to EduPedu, Ministerial Order No. 6.200 / 12.16.2020 completes one of the obligations of OMEC 5.545 / 2020 students, which establishes the regulations in force in online teaching for this school year. The previous form of this modified article was as follows: students “have the obligation to participate in activities carried out through technology and the Internet; otherwise, the student is considered absent and the absence is recorded in the catalog, except in justified situations ”.

Article 14, letter f of OMEC 5.545 / 2020, modified by OMEC 6.200 / 2020, now establishes the following requirements regarding students: “They have the obligation to participate in activities carried out through technology and the Internet; otherwise, the student is considered absent and the absence is recorded in the catalog ”.

If the student meets all the teacher’s requirements, regardless of whether or not they have the audio-video system in operation, their absence cannot be registered in the respective class. However, classes intended exclusively for student assessment are an exception, as they must be connected by audio and video. Therefore, according to this change / clarification made by order of the minister, if the student sits in class without the video camera on and does not “meet the teacher’s requirements”, he can be considered absent, if he responds and communicates with the teacher, class cannot be considered absent, indicates the cited source.

Absences motivated by a request

As well. The order also introduces the way in which absences from online school courses can be motivated. If the student is an adult, a student request is required, in the case of minors the request must be written by the parent, justifying the student’s absence. “The absence may be justified, in justified cases, based on a written request from the adult student / parent / legal guardian.” According to the same ministerial order, the directors of the schools are obliged to inform the inspection teachers that they do not take classes online.
