One of the first trucks to cross the new border between the EU and Great Britain was driven by a Romanian


Moments after Britain finalized its divorce from the European Union, the first trucks carrying goods across the new customs border presented their customs clearance to French agents before passing through the Eurotunnel.

One of the first trucks to complete customs formalities was driven by a Romanian. The Romanian driver Toma Moise’s barcode was scanned and approved within seconds. “I don’t think the future is difficult,” he said optimistically, before continuing his trip to Britain.

Freight flows through the Eurotunnel’s Calais terminal encountered no difficulties in the early hours of the New Year, writes Reuters, cited by Mediafax.

Yann Leriche, chief executive of Getlink, which operates Eurotunnel, told Reuters that changes to customs procedures might be necessary, but there would be no chaos in the coming weeks.

Under the new trade agreement reached by the EU and London in the last hundred meters, on Christmas Eve, British producers will have free access to the EU internal market, which means that there will be no taxes on imports of goods between the UK and the continent. It is a series of acts that are required of companies and individuals traveling to EU countries and vice versa. Therefore, traders in England, Scotland and Wales will need to complete a number of documents when doing business with EU countries.

British companies exporting goods to Europe will need to have customs declarations. Controls on goods entering the UK from the mainland will be phased in over a six-month period, until July 2021, although some new customs procedures on imports of alcohol, tobacco, chemicals and medicines have already entered into force. .

Publisher: Georgiana Marina
