One in every 100 earthlings has been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. WHO official balance


The number of COVID-19 cases reported worldwide by the World Health Organization reached 78.2 million on Friday, meaning that in a single year, more than 1% of the world’s population was infected with it. SARS-CoV-2 transmits EFE, according to Agerpres.

On the first day of Christmas, 655,000 new cases were reported worldwide and the threshold of 78 million illnesses globally was exceeded. This means that one in 100 earthlings has developed the disease (the world population is 7.8 billion people at the moment).

The number of deaths associated with COVID-19 amounts to 1.74 million, registering 11,600 in the last 24 hours.

There are currently 33.9 million cases in the American continent, 24.9 million in Europe and 11.8 million in South Asia, an evolution in which the bulk of contamination is concentrated in the first two continents.

In terms of daily trends, Brazil is the worst, registering about 47,000 cases in one day and again surpassing the United Kingdom, with almost 40,000 cases in 24 hours.

The United States continues to record negative records and has reported 221,000 cases of contamination in the last 24 hours.

According to the WHO, the pandemic is spreading rapidly in Russia and Germany (29,000 and 23,000 cases a day, respectively), while it appears to be stagnant in India, with 23,000 cases in 24 hours.

Publisher: BP
