ONAC explains why the 250,000 student tablets could not be purchased: the companies would have delivered them too late, only Orange will deliver in Muntenia! | News, News Romania | Freedom


In response, ONAC representatives blame the overly relaxed delivery times proposed by the companies.

On Friday, the newspaper sent an official request to ONAC to find out the names of the winners of this procedure, in the context in which the institution’s website does not include any mention of the purchase of the 250,000 tablets.

Furthermore, the documents related to the procedure were not uploaded to SICAP, the public procurement portal.

In the response sent today, ONAC shows that only three of the nine lots in the tender were won, the company that submitted the compliant bid for all three was Orange Romania SA, and for the other six lots no compliant bids were submitted.

“Currently ONAC is within 11 days in which the appeals related to the process can be presented, and in the event that there are no resources, on September 8 the framework agreement with the company declared the winner of the three lots: Bucharest-Ilfov Region, Central Region and South Region, respectively Orange Romania ”, is shown in the response.

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Furthermore, the Procurement Office officials also explain where the procedure stopped:

In total, there were 9 lots, and for the other six the bidding will have to be resumed, since there were no offers that met the very short delivery period; in practice, the offers had different delivery times than those requested by the Ministry of Education in the specifications. .

ONAC explains why the 250,000 student tablets could not be purchased: the companies would have delivered them too late, only Orange will deliver in Muntenia!
Monica Anisie. Photo Hepta

The Minister of Education, Monica Anisie, today asked Prime Minister Ludovic Orban to dismiss the president of ONAC, Cornelia Nagy, for the “disastrous” tender regarding the purchase of tablets.

The ministry led by Anisie began the process of purchasing these tablets at the beginning of May, allocating the amount of 150 million lei, by Government Decision, for this purpose. However, ONAC took over the contracting procedure.

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