On Thursday, at noon, we take the oath. What did Gabriela Firea do during this month in office? I had an absent mayor


Nicușor Dan, the mayor-elect of the Capital, told Digi24 on Tuesday night that he regrets that he lost these weeks, in which he was unable to assume his mandate, because he would have tried to solve some of the problems Bucharest faces. . However, he revealed that the first three things he will work on are the health crisis, the heat problem and the financial crisis of the institution.

I was validated by two courts, ended with 52 appeals. On Thursday at noon, we will be sworn in, mayors and general councilors, “said Nicușor Dan, on Digi24.

He responded to the criticism of the incumbent mayor: “Mrs. Firea has not yet understood the operation of administrative matters, there must be an act of summoning the prefect.”

The delay in the mandate comes from those calls made by people from the PSD. (…) We are one month away from the elections, during this period we had a mayor, Gabriela Firea. What did you do during this month in office? I have not seen any public position, neither on the sanitary crisis, nor on Termoenergetica. I had an absent mayor, ”he added.

Nicușor Dan also said that he only has “partial information” about what happened during this period at the City Hall of the capital: “I have information that In municipal companies, collective bargaining agreements were signed in order to make it more difficult for these people to be fired. I have information that they were hired for positions, because those people were some of the family members who had not completed the employment contract. the play. We will see them when we are there, for the first time the press will have full access ”.

“There is the political will for these municipal companies to dissolve, a political will expressed by the new PNL-USR-PLUS majority,” he stressed.

Nicușor Dan: Debts of PMB, approximately 4 billion lei

Nicușor Dan said the biggest problem is PMB’s “financial crisis”: “There are entire bills and fees that have not been paid. In a rough estimate, there is a current debt of around 4 billion lei, which practically means a local budget. “

Regarding pollution in the Capital and Ilfov, the new mayor said that there is no correct monitoring station for faster detection of pollutants and, in addition, PMB has a mobile laboratory for which it pays annual maintenance, but does not it does. never used “for incompetence”.

I don’t think they were of any interest, because in general the polluters discovered by the National Environment Guard are not who knows what spheres of influence, they are people who recover waste, burn it. Another part of the problem is the thousands of places in Bucharest and Ilfov where garbage is stored illegally. This is a big problem, which the local police have to solve, ”added Nicușor Dan.

He added that on the platform bucurestiumilit.ro In Bucharest alone, more than 2,000 places have been reported “littering” over the years.

The “first three emergencies” Nicusor Dan wants to solve

The new mayor also spoke about the layoffs announced by Ilie Bolojan at Bihor City Hall. “We will do this evaluation without discussion. Fortunately for Mr. Bolojan, he took over a county council that was not in a financial position close to the bankruptcy that we are in now.

“We will do this, only the first three emergencies that I propose to resolve are: the health crisis – where there was no collaboration between the mayor’s office, the ministry, the DSP and the other institutions, this must be invented at this time; therm – we have not resolved and winter is coming; and the financial crisis – even today there were several news items related to the announcement of the Mayor’s Office of Social Assistance, which said that it has no money to pay the subsidy for adults with disabilities. For the city of Bucharest, these are the first three things we are going to do, “stressed Nicușor Dan.

Publisher: GC
