On Christmas night, the north of the Capital became the most polluted place on Earth. Pollution level index


“On Christmas night, probably due to burning waste and inefficient heating, northern Bucharest has become the most polluted place on Earth compared to the 2019 average pollution in Bangladesh, the most polluted country in the world. world that in 2019 there was an Air Quality Index of 165 and Otopeni reached the level of 173 last night. PM 2.5 reached 97.2 µg / m3 in Otopeni “, announced Agent Green on his Facebook page.

“The Ministry of the Environment is celebrating the taking over by another minister, and on the page of the National Guard of the Environment it is a holiday, although we are violating pollution in Bucharest and other large cities,” reports Agent Green.

In fact, all the websites that monitor air quality aerlive.ro, airly.org, iqair.com show huge pollution exceedances that started around 9:00 p.m. on 12/24/2020 and increased in the following hours of the night.

PM2.5 levels can even cause death in people with lung or cardiovascular problems and long-term consequences according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.

And in Europe, according to the Air Quality Directive, the maximum value of PM 2.5 should be 25 µg / m3 compared to the level of 100 µg / m3 reached last night, so the pollution is 400%.

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