OFFICER – Rules in hospitals after May 15: all patients will potentially be considered Covid / DOCUMENTS – News by sources


The INSP proposes, in the draft recommendations on the resumption of activity of non-COVID hospitals, that all patients be considered potentially infected, with two being hospitalized in the ward, respecting a distance of at least two meters between them.


We fully reproduce the proposals presented, on Saturday, in the case of non-COVID health units, by the National Institute of Public Health (INSP):

“By providing specialized medical care to patients who come to hospitals, we will try, as much as possible, to avoid hospitalization and perform medical treatments at home / outpatient.

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Due to community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Romania, all hospitalized patients should be considered potentially infected, making it mandatory to wear personal protective equipment in all medical procedures performed, according to the INSP guide.

At the hospital presentation, all people will be classified and, depending on the symptoms presented, the suspected cases will be hospitalized in special isolation areas (buffer zones), to be analyzed by RT-PCR for SARS-CoV infection- 2 (in accordance with INSP Recommendations).

Suspicious patients (who must wear a mask) will be taken from the triage and taken to the buffer zone by designated personnel, in a circuit separate from the rest of the patients.

If the number of patients does not allow their hospitalization alone, two may be hospitalized in one room, but with a distance of at least 2 meters between them.

Patients will wear a mask throughout the hospital stay in the buffer zone.

Medical personnel in the buffer zone will be properly equipped (disposable gown over hospital uniform, gloves, hat, mask).

Samples are collected according to the procedure regarding the collection and transport of biological samples for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection and are sent to the Medical Analysis Laboratory, along with the Form to accompany the collected samples.

In the case of patients admitted to the buffer zone, with a positive result, the treating / on-call physician calls 112 and the patient will be transferred to the nearest hospital dedicated to the management of patients infected with COVID-19 according to current legal regulations. The room will be disinfected before the next patient is hospitalized.

The people presented and that, after the triage, were not considered suspicious cases, will be hospitalized in the sections related to the presented pathology, ensuring a distance of at least 2 meters between the patients.

Each sanitary unit with beds has the obligation to review its functional circuits and work procedures in accordance with the general principles presented above ”.

The National Institute of Public Health published, on Saturday, the recommendations that will be ordered by the institutions, once the activity resumes, after the cessation of the state of emergency. The document is released for public debate and suggestions can be sent to the email address [email protected].

The document is available on the INSP website,, Communications section.
