NOW THE EARTHQUAKE COMES to Dinamo! Cons: “I don’t want to die here!” Cosmin earthquake announcement: “Players are leaving, I’m leaving too!”


There is no way of reconciliation between Contra and the Spanish leadership.

Cortacero continues to promise money and ensures that the situation will be resolved. Neither Contra nor the players believe the promises.

Without paying since they signed, Contra and his players received good news from the fans. The amount collected from the sale of virtual tickets for the game with Viitorul, approximately 14,000 euros, will enter the club’s accounts on Wednesday. Contra broke ties with Rufo Collado, the team’s sports director. Rufo had the idea to ‘promote’ the doctor to the first team in the second team masseur! 🙂

“I would like to be so negative and put the money at least at the last minute. And not necessarily for me, but for the players, for Dinamo, for the club employees. The fans sold tickets online, they raised almost 14,000 euros, they will come on Wednesday money will also be raised for employees, not a very big amount, but after 3 months it can help some of them! There were discussions between the fans and Collado, but I was in the office, I don’t know what they said.

I haven’t spoken to the athletic director since last week, since what happened to the doctor happened. We don’t have a doctor now, he didn’t go to training today. Rufo brought me a nurse, she’s actually a second team masseur. He is not a doctor, he is not qualified to do certain things in case of a major problem. It is my responsibility, I am a coach. Dr. Batineanu came to the game with Viitorul, they talked to him and he helped us. The second team masseur has a diploma as an assistant, but is not a doctor“Contra said on Digisport.

After 3 months of non-payment, the footballers and Contra will leave the team in the next period. Contra was offered termination without even paying his updated fees, as he requested. Due to stress, the coach went to the doctor. He complained of chest pain and asked for specialized help!

“Some players believe that they will leave the team, they have sent notifications and the problems have not been resolved. The vast majority of those transferred will likely leave. Then they must negotiate amicably with each other. If it comes to trial … having a person who gets along with them, I don’t know if that person exists. If we get to TAS, it won’t be good. There is always a way to negotiate. I asked to negotiate, to talk all the time.

I made a decent offer from all points of view, after which Rufo turned me over to a lawyer. That attorney made just one offer, showed me how much they appreciate what I did. I asked for their current wages, just to get paid. They offered me one salary now and two in December or February. The television rights no longer exist, the rights have already been transferred. They gave me a month and two more. I would have liked to be paid for the 3 months I worked. I did not see any euro. It’s dramatic, the players said. Probably the only money that the players will take is these 14,000 euros from the fans. It’s a bit tragic, but that’s the situation. On Thursday, I think I can break the contract, I will probably not be in the Pitesti bank.

I was naive, I believed in a person. In football nobody gives you guarantees. I believed in Melero, I know how it works. This person has been removed. I was also more disappointed than Pablo Cortacero and Rufo Collado. Everybody has a limit. I can write half a book about what happened at Dinamo during this period, I didn’t think something like this could happen this century. I want to enjoy my family, I don’t want to die for some who don’t do their job. I had some chest pains, it was probably stress. I put a lot of passion, I put it every day “, Contra revealed.
