No scenario is excluded


We do not exclude any scenario with regard to the reopening of schools, no scenario, including a zonal opening of education in its physical form, face to face, said Monday night, on Digi24, the Minister of Education, Sorin Cîmpeanu.

“Any scenario is open. We do not exclude absolutely any scenario – neither the scenario in which we could have an opening in areas that register a lower incidence, we do not exclude neither the prioritization by levels of education, we exclude absolutely nothing. However, when it comes to the health of children, pupils, students and teachers, the analysis must be done in a responsible manner, with the data on the table, and the decision must be made by those who have competence in this matter ”, Sorin Cîmpeanu stressed.

He said that on Monday he held talks with various representatives in the field and several criteria were established for decision-making regarding schools: the evolution of the epidemiological situation after the winter holidays, the way in which the vaccination campaign, the situation with students who still do not have access to online education and how other states will proceed.

In any event, a decision on schools will be released after mid-January, provided the deadline for assessing the epidemiological situation has been set for January 15. It is possible to open physical schools in those regions where the incidence rate of disease cases is low, confirmed the Minister of Education.

The analysis must be done in a responsible way, with the data on the table, and the decision must be made by those who have competence in the matter: the Ministry of Health, those responsible for vaccination, those in Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Education, he said. Sorin Cîmpeanu.

The minister asked for a situation with the educational personnel willing to be vaccinated

In addition, Minister Sorin Cîmpeanu announced that he asked school and university inspectorates about the availability of vaccination of educational personnel, which could be included in the second stage of vaccination, according to Digi24, on Monday night. , the coordinator of the national vaccination campaign, Valeriu Gheorghiță.

Schools will not be physically reopened on January 11, the date scheduled in the school calendar, Education Minister Sorin Cîmpeanu said the other day. He argued that it was too early, as January 11 was the deadline set many months ago. He said he wants students to return to school as soon as possible, to the extent that the epidemiological situation allows. Under these conditions, February 8 was circulated as a possible date for the resumption of physical courses in schools.

Students are on winter break until January 11, when they will resume online classes, but on January 30 they re-enter a week-long vacation, which lasts for a week, until February 8.

Reopening schools is a risky decision, given that, on the one hand, there is a great reluctance to vaccinate teachers, and on the other hand, there are mutations in the virus that make children more vulnerable to infections, and they can transmit the virus to family members, Ioana Stăncel, an expert on public health policy, told Digi24 the other day.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
