NLP Sources: Nicuşor Dan has a small lead in the polls against Firea. How many would vote with Basescu?


According to some NLP sources, Nicușor Dan ranks first among Bucharest’s preferences in local elections, followed closely by the current mayor, Gabriela Firea.

Polls show Nicușor Dan would get 31% of the votes of the people of Bucharest according to some sources of NLP

However, the candidate of the PNL-USR-PLUS alliance cannot be calm, because the data from this poll shows Gabriela Firea, the current mayor, within walking distance.

The people of Bucharest would vote for her in proportion of 29%.

In the third place of the electoral preferences is Traian Băsescu, with 10%, and other accumulated candidates would obtain around 8% of the votes.

It should be noted, however, that the percentage of citizens of the Capital who have not decided with which candidate to vote in the local elections on September 27 exceeds 20%.

18 candidates fight for Bucharest

18 candidates for the post of Mayor General of the Capital were validated by the Bucharest Electoral Board in the local elections on September 27.

Who are the 18 candidates for the position of Mayor General of the Capital

Traian Băsescu – PMP

Former president Traian Basescu presented his candidacy for a new term in the City Council of the capital.

Basescu, currently a member of the European Parliament, is running for the Popular Movement Party, of which he is the founder.

Basescu, who also served on the capital’s City Council from 2000 to 2004, said after the announcement of his candidacy that everyone has a chance.

Gabriela Firea – PSD

The current mayor-general of Bucharest has declared that she is willing not to run for mayor of the capital if there is a better candidate than her on the center-left flank.

Tonight I announce that I will no longer run for the City Council if in the center and the center-left flank the gentlemen of whom we speak tonight have a much higher percentage than I do, but of all the studies that we have so far, done with all the electoral colleges of public opinion, myself and the president of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, for four years we are in turn number 1 or number 2 in the confidence of the population, and therefore in the confidence of the Romanians. There was nothing to change in the last week. I do not cling to the chair, I was not born mayor general. If the PSD or an alliance of left and center-left parties has a better candidate than me, in the sense of validating the public in Bucharest, I will not occupy the seat. “Firea said.

Nicusor Dan – independent

MP Nicușor Dan is the right-wing candidate for the Bucharest City Council, which is supported by PNL and USR-PLUS.

The Liberals decided to resign their own candidate after polls showed that Nicusor Dan has a good chance of winning the leadership of Bucharest.

On Monday, PNL president Ludovic Orban said he was confident in Nicusor Dan’s victory and said he was the only candidate who could defeat Gabriela Firea in the local elections on September 27. “

“If we have four more years with this set taken from the Antipa Museum and with the PSD mayor who has tormented us in the last four years, Bucharest is going to capsize, Bucharest is already almost bankrupt”, Orban said.

Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu – ALDE

ALDE leader Călin Popescu Tăriceanu submitted his candidacy for the Capital City Council on August 18, stating that a large-scale project is needed, a project that has the necessary vision for the development of Bucharest in the next 25- 30 years. In his opinion, Bucharest must become big Bucharest and not little Paris.

“The question is what we want to do with Bucharest. Many believe that Bucharest can become a tourist attraction. Yes, it can be, but we cannot compare it to Vienna, which is the Imperial Capital. Bucharest has its strengths: academic life and here young people must be trained in the fields. For this, the City Council must have a very open relationship and extend the hand of Bucharest entrepreneurs, for them it creates jobs, stabilizes the population. I believe that the experience that I have acquired over the years and years, first as Minister of Transport, then as Prime Minister, then as Head of the Senate, I believe that this experience can be put at the service of citizens. I was born, raised, educated here and I want to become a great metropolis. I have heard that Bucharest must go back to being little Paris. I love Paris, it is a wonderful capital, but I believe that Bucharest should become the big Bucharest and not the little Paris “Tariceanu said.

Ilan Laufer – National Identity Force Party

The president of the Liberal Social Platform Ilan Laufer announced, at the end of July, that he will run for the post of Mayor General of Bucharest.

Former Business, Commerce and Entrepreneurship Minister Ilan Laufer said he would run because he was tired of “the current political class, 30 years of lies, incompetence, corruption and witchcraft.”

On December 17, 2018, Laufer, a sports and physical education teacher, was appointed an honorary advisor to former Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă, as she was not paid. On September 25, 2019, she announced her resignation from this position, and in November 2019 she resigned from PSD. In early December 2019, Laufer announced the launch of the Liberal Social Platform.
