NLP DOCUMENT government program: Average net salary 1,000 euros for 2024, almost 1,000 km of motorway and highway, increase in pensions, doubling of allowances and mayors to two rounds – Politics


The Liberals promise that in four years Romania will have the highest economic growth in the European Union, the average net salary of Romanians will be 1,000, pensions will be 46% more than in 2019 and benefits doubled. The NLP government program, launched on Thursday, foresees the completion of nearly 1,000 kilometers of roads and highways by 2024, as well as the start of projects on four new highways. Liberals also promise to return to the mayoral election in two rounds, revise the Constitution, and repeal the Criminal Investigation Section in Justice.

The main promises of NLP for the period 2020-2024


  • The highest economic growth in the European Union in the next 4 years, with a growth rate of more than 6% in 2024;
  • GDP increase by more than 450 billion lei to more than 1.5 billion lei.
  • Lei in late 2024; Romania’s GDP per capita will exceed 85% of the EU-27 average by the end of 2024;
  • Create more than 560,000 new higher paying jobs in the economy;
  • The average net salary will increase by almost 50% compared to the 2020 level and will reach 1,000 euros / month in 2024;
  • Increase the value of the pension point by 46% by 2024 compared to 2019;
  • The value of the pension point increases from 1,265 lei in 2019 to 1,840 lei in 2024;
  • The average annual pension increases by approx. 536 lei to almost 2,000 lei in 2024 compared to the 2020 level.
  • Increase the purchasing power of Romanians by more than 30% and reduce annual inflation below 2%.


Completion of more than 970 km of motorways and expressways in the period 2021-2024 of which:

660 km from the highway:

  • 320 km from the A7 motorway, Ploiești-Buzău-Focșani-Bacău-Pașcani – 6.09 billion lei;
  • 160 km of the Transylvania highway: 4.17 billion lei;
  • 43 km of the Pitești-Sibiu highway (section 1 Sibiu-Boița and section 5 Curtea de Argeș-Pitești): 2,320 million lei;
  • 100 km of the Bucharest ring road (south and north) – 4.93 billion lei;
  • 24 km from the Sebeș-Turda motorway, lot 2: 549.33 million lei;
  • 14 km from the Lugoj-Deva highway Lot 2 – 1.36 billion lei.

310 Km Express drum:

  • 121 km of the Craiova-Pitești motorway: 3,150 million lei;
  • 13 Km – Brăila-Galați Express Highway – 530,312 million lei;
  • 98 km – Buzău-Brăila Express Road – 1.80 billion lei;
  • 76 Km – Focșani-Brăila express road – 1.40 billion lei.

Start new investment projects in Moldova, Dobrogea and the South Region, of which:

  • A8 motorway, Târgu Mureș-Târgu Neamț-Iași-Ungheni – approx. 311 km, 35.85 billion Lei;
  • Highway A7, Pașcani-Suceava-Siret – 101 km, 2,180 million lei;
  • A13 highway, Brașov-Bacău – 165 km, 8,850 million lei; A13 highway, Sibiu-Brașov – 125 km, 7.10 billion lei;
  • Expressways in the Dobrogea area: Brăila-Tulcea-Constanța – 172 km, 4,330 million lei;
  • Tișița-Albița highway – 160 km, 3.56 billion lei;
  • Ploiești-Găești highway – 74 km, 1.67 billion lei;
  • Bacău-Piatra-Neamț highway – 61 km, 1.12 billion lei;
  • Timișoara-Moravița highway: 60 km, 1.41 billion lei;
  • Highway Dr. Tr. Severin-Caransebeș-Lugoj (142 km, 6.52 billion lei) to which is added the cross-border corridor Dr. Tr. Severin-Calafat (72 km, 3.31 billion lei)

Starting to work on:

  • Northern Highway: 335 km, 6,680 million lei;
  • Ploiești-Comarnic-Brașov highway: 113.6 km, 6.310 million lei;
  • Sections 2, 3 and 4 of the Sibiu-Pitești highway: 79 km, 11.32 billion lei.


  • Extension of the deferral of bank rates until July 1, 2021;
  • Schedule the payment of tax obligations for a period of 12 months;
  • Granting of state guarantees for loans with subsidized interest through SME Invest and Eximbank: 30 billion lei;
  • Guarantee access to financing and liquidity for companies through SME Leasing and SME Factor: 5,000 million lei;
  • Launch of new guarantee products for SMEs: Agro-Invest, “IC Brătianu” Card, SME Venture, SME Capital, etc.


  • Extension of the vote by mail in the country;
  • Return to the mayoral election system with a majority of votes cast (2 rounds);
  • Double the number of MPs currently assigned to represent the Romanian diaspora.


  • General application of the principle of contributivity when establishing the right to a pension;
  • Evaluate the impact of the Public Pensions Law to reduce inequities in the public pension system;
  • Annual increase in the pension point based on the inflation rate and the increase in the average gross salary per economy; Increase contributions to the second pillar of pensions by one percentage point to 4.75% in 2024;
  • Flexibility and development of voluntary pension legislation.


  • Double the allowances for children, according to the calendar started in August 2020, until July 1, 2022;
  • Application of deductibility measures for families with several children, as an active measure to favor an increase in the birth rate.


  • Ensure financial, logistical and health management of all existing resources and their organization in accordance with epidemiological evolution;
  • Logistical preparation of the distribution of the Sars-Cov2 vaccine and implementation of an effective vaccination strategy – first quarter of 2021.
  • Modernization of the Romanian medical system to European standards:
  • Increase public financing for health to 6% of GDP;
  • Efficient use of European funds dedicated to health in the period 2021-2027 worth more than 4,600 million euros.
  • Completion of the largest public hospital endowment program in Romania, carried out in 2020 through the POIM, with 297 projects worth 1,300 million euros;
  • Development of complementary and complementary health insurance with the increase of private funds as an alternative source of financing.


  • Reform of the teaching career: education professionals making initial training more flexible, continuing education, meritocratic salary policies, stimulating transdisciplinary approaches;
  • Professionalization of the governance of the educational system and the management of educational institutions;
  • Digitization of the educational process and interconnection of databases;
  • Internet connection of all educational units until the start of the 2022-2023 school year;
  • Promote integrity and ethics in the education system through the creation of a Single Integrated National Registry of Diplomas and Study Documents.
  • Expand the network of daycare centers in the public system, so that the enrollment rate of children from 0 to 3 years old increases by 2025;
  • Gradual generalization of the inclusion of 5, 4 and 3 year old children in preschool education, until 2025.
  • Generalization of extracurricular programs in state schools and increase in the quality of the services they provide;
  • Phased generalization of the program to ensure a hot meal in schools for all children from disadvantaged backgrounds;
  • Review the curricular architecture focusing the contents on the student’s profile, on the key competences and on maximizing the potential of each child;
  • Development of dual professional education programs at secondary and tertiary level up to 30% of the total vocational education programs.


  • Initiate the process of revision of the Constitution for the implementation of the result of the Referendum for Justice in 2019 and the National Political Agreement for the consolidation of the European path of Romania proposed by the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis;
  • Review of the laws of justice in accordance with the opinions of the Venice Commission, the Advisory Councils of European Judges and Prosecutors, as well as the reports of the European Commission and GRECO;
  • The reform of the Constitutional Court in the sense of eliminating the factors that led to the politicization of the decisions of this fundamental organ for democracy;
  • Modification of the legal framework to guarantee the independence of judges and prosecutors, the effective responsibility of the magistrates and their protection against any interference and abuse;
  • Abolition of the Criminal Investigation Section in Justice;
  • Enhanced cooperation for the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (European Public Prosecutor’s Office);