Nicușor Dan, serious accusations to the City Council of the capital: real estate illegalities, PUZ for green spaces, demolition of heritage buildings – Politics


The candidate of the right-wing parties in the Bucharest City Council, Nicușor Dan, today offered a new press conference on the illegalities committed by the “real estate mafia”, mentioning various types of actions carried out by the Firea administration, generating thus the degradation of Bucharest.

Serious dysfunctions in Bucharest

Nicusor Dan told reporters that “Bucharest’s disparaging urbanism leads to serious dysfunctions in the functioning of the city.” He also explained that “the way in which this development was made with blocks between houses – and that’s why I came here, I forgot a permit from Gabriela Firea – destroyed a market, because serious investors don’t come here, because they have to pay. And it destroys something else, a market of professionals, because an investor is tempted not to choose the professional who does the best project, but to choose that architect who has relationships with the City Council and with whom he gets the permit faster and with more floors. ”

The candidate supported by PNL and USR PLUS in these elections for the Capital City Council presented a map with the green spaces reviewed by the Bucharest City Council, through PUZs that transform these spaces into building land. “I give you just one example. Here on the shores of Lake Floreasca we have an area of ​​3 hectares. If today the owner sells 3 hectares at the price of green space, he earns 3 million euros, if he sells at the price of building land, he earns 30 million of euros. So here we have an undue profit, through a simple PUZ of 27 million euros “. Nicușor Dan continued with these examples, stating that the court stopped some of the illegalities: “The PUZ 1 sector and the PUZ 3 sector were suspended by the court because it considered them illegal. Other examples of green spaces: Kiseleff 45, here is the drawing. Is this green space? Yes, and with authorization issued by the Mayor General, it allowed the construction of green spaces. The court revoked this authorization. We have the same situation in Modrogan, in various sports bases, including the Girueta sports base, which according to the law, sports bases cannot change their destination ”.

Illegally approved buildings

Another type of illegal action by those who work in the real estate sector is, according to Nicușor Dan, that which allows inappropriate constructions for the area: are 30-story blocks allowed?

We have an example right here, this is a historical area of ​​Bucharest, it is a street with tourist potential in Bucharest and this construction illegally approved by the incumbent mayor destroys the historical potential of this area. I also remind you of the PUZ that provides for a 7-story construction in Calea Victoriei, behind the Știrbey Palace, I remind you of an authorization from the Mântuleasa area, declared illegal by the court, after which the General City Council, through this Mayor General decided to go legal. I remind you, also here in the Kiseleff area, we have two buildings and every year the City Council has provided a floor for each of these buildings, ”explained Nicușor Dan.

Destruction of heritage buildings

Finally, a third type of actions are those directed at heritage buildings: “These are buildings that were demolished during this period based on the demolition permits issued by the Mayor of the Capital. There are many. We have a mayor who boasts of pay TV advertising who loves inheritance. In fact, it demolished more than it consolidated, and here are examples. Each of these buildings was demolished during this legislature, “said the right-wing candidate, also remembered for the fact that the capital city council also supports the real estate mafia” losing lawsuits. “

The first 1 to 1 debate on B1 TV

Nicușor Dan also mentioned in the same press conference that he will participate in B1 TV in a first debate with the PSD candidate, Gabriela Firea, following the invitation received from the directors. “The challenge to you to talk about the real estate mafia that you spoke about intensely, through its propaganda apparatus.”
