Nicușor Dan promises an average net salary of 1,400 euros in Bucharest, until 2024


At a press conference held at the campaign headquarters, Nicușor Dan, the right-wing candidate in the elections for the capital’s City Council, spoke about the economic development of the city and how they can increase the salaries of Bucharest residents.

Nicușor Dan presented his New Bucharest project, on the basis of which the bucharest’s salaries could reach 1,400 euros per month until 2024: “I believe that the mayor general is responsible for the economic well-being of the people in his community and for making an explicit proposal, in our project, after a period of 4 years, the salaries of Bucharest residents will reach 1400 euros per month, the net salary. That means 6,800 lei per month, the net salary, the average salary of the residents of Bucharest ” .

Bucharest, which is below most counties at the rate of income growth

He drew attention, in a comparative analysis of the evolution of income in Bucharest and the counties of the country, on the delay registered by Bucharest in this regard: “As you can see, Bucharest is well below the counties with right-wing administration, of In fact, only 3 counties in Romania are weaker than Bucharest on this population growth indicator and of course these are counties, there are no statistics for cities: Oradea, Cluj Napoca, Sibiu, Timisoara. Most likely, are much larger than the counties that include and a rural population and in which incomes cannot grow so spectacularly. “

“Unfortunately, this administration has not even managed to be at the average level of Romania and if we take it into account, we can say that the average amount of money in hand that all Bucharester has lost in the last 4 years, was 100 euro per month “. accused the right-wing candidate.

Measures that will increase the average net salary up to 1,400 euros

Below, Nicușor presented the measures that will determine a faster growth rate of the average salary in Bucharest:

First of all, Bucharest will have major infrastructure works, which will bring money to the local economy and here we are talking about the surface metro, we are talking about the ring road, we are talking about the ring road, we are talking about the modernization of the tram lines, we are talking about rehabilitation. heating system, we are talking about the green belt, but also about the consolidation of buildings with seismic risk, this means billions, which will be injected into the local economy.

Second, we are talking about predictable acquisitions that will stimulate the local economy. ”

The candidate on the right also mentioned the reduction of traffic, which means saving time and efficiency for economic operators, a better connection between the educational system and the needs of the labor market, the stimulation of new technologies, information technologies and the creative, incubator, and accelerator industries. stimulate tourism and collaboration with the private environment and the confidence that the financial environment should have in the City Council, “because, at this moment, Bucharest is borrowing at high interest rates, above 5%, given that other cities Western and Western countries currently have negative interest rates. “

“In short, this is the promise, 2020-2024, 1400 euros, the average net salary in Bucharest.” Nicușor Dan concluded the first topic of the conference.

Nicușor Dan: I have 13 questions for Gabriela Firea

In the second part of the press conference, the right-wing candidate addressed the issue of the “1 to 1” debate with Gabriela Firea, the PSD candidate. In this context, Nicușor Dan presented the 13 questions he wants to ask Gabriela Firea in a face-to-face debate:

“There are two things that the current mayor of the PSD wants to flee and cannot: they are the big business of corruption and here you have the Verdi Park business and the auction of the 100 trams and there are some more, the municipal companies, we will return This is exactly what the people of Bucharest are interested in, the concrete results of this mandate. Why has no tram line been rehabilitated? Why has it not been parked? Why even the Mayor General Since we have air pollution? Huge, it proposes that 400 hectares of green spaces disappear from the map of the General Urban Plan? Why has not a kilometer of district heating pipes been modernized? Why has no kindergarten been built , although 20 kindergartens were included in the electoral program? Why in the Metropolitan Hospital, which was promised 4 years ago, only a plastic model was made? Here is a lie that spreads in public space, the balan ce of the great achievements of the consolidation of buildings at risk. the seismic is reduced to 6 buildings. Why is an institution with an annual budget of one billion euros bankrupt? Why are you lying when you say that you absorbed one billion euros, when you absorbed 30 times less? What is the opinion and why has the mayor who was part of August 10, through his representatives, never apologized to the people of Bucharest and why could he not collaborate with the Governments to achieve those things that Bucharest did? needs. “

Nicușor Dan believes there is little chance of such a debate between the two top-ranked candidates at the polls and sent a request to the press to ask these questions of his opponent, Gabriela Firea.

On the beginning of the school year and the consolidation of buildings with seismic risk

At the end of the conference, when asked about how the start of the school year was managed, the right-wing candidate replied that, in his opinion, “the Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations should have met a week ago and not today.” and declared unconditional the situation of the “15 schools that cannot be opened because the works on them have not been completed”, referring to the obligation of the Capital City Council to rehabilitate the schools.

Asked by the journalists present “Why do you claim that Gabriela Firea lied in the press about the consolidated buildings?”, Nicușor Dan specified: “I was a deputy in this legislature and one of the important laws to which I contributed was the consolidation law of buildings with In this law I introduced an amendment that was voted by Parliament, which says that each local public authority must make an annual report indicating how many buildings it has examined, how many buildings it has designed and how many buildings it has consolidated. would have fulfilled the legal obligation to publish this report on its website, this discussion would not have existed. Under these conditions there is a mayor who speaks, without listing, of dozens of buildings that he would have consolidated and it is information that I cannot find on the Municipality’s website, but I have information from field of all the builders and of all the people with whom I am in contact that this is the real number. the mayor general arrived with the lis number of buildings that he had consolidated. I mean, he started them and ended them. Not the ones that have put up some scaffolding and no one is working on them at the moment and says that they have started to consolidate them, ”said Nicușor Dan, referring to the small number of buildings that the Capital City renovated during the mandate. Gabriela Firea.
