Nicusor Dan, asked if people in the current mayor’s office could end up in prison – I’d bet on that


The mayor-elect of the Capital, Nicusor Dan, announced this Monday that, a week after the inauguration, he intends to publicize the financial situation of the City Council, and within a few months to carry out an audit, reports Agerpres. He also said he was “betting” that some people could end up in jail. Dan also stated that he wants to fire the head of the Legal Department.

Asked on B1TV if he thinks there might be people from the previous administration who could go to jail, Nicusor Dan replied: “I’d bet on that.”

“In any case, very soon you will know the economic situation of the mayor’s office. The General City Council, which has to give a subsidy and which did not give and is missing 800 million lei – all this economic situation of the mayor’s office and the institutions you will have subordination in a week, because I also want to have it in a week, so that Let’s not enter into bankruptcy ”, he said.

Nicusor Dan mentioned that an audit will be carried out by a specialized company, after a vote on the matter in the General Council and a hiring procedure, a process that could take between 4 and 6 months. He said that the corruption cases he spoke about during the electoral campaign will be analyzed, but mentioned that his mandate will consist mainly of solving the big problems of the city.

“Regarding the corruption cases that we spoke about in this electoral campaign, without a doubt, we will go to them. We will also go to the big restitution files. What were the people of Herastrau Park like? (…) It is not this one. I believe that my mandate, given to me by the people of Bucharest, is to solve the great and serious current problems of this city and give it a development direction, that is, to attract large investments in Bucharest, to shape it. in the global market as an IT center, having conference centers, having business events here, having a European agency to settle in Bucharest ”, specified the elected mayor general.

He added that over time he has been informed of various situations, such as rigged skills or people employed without qualifications, aspects that he says are verified.

“An important segment of the Capital Mayor’s Office is the control body of the Mayor’s Office. Over time, I have been informed of false contests, people employed without diplomas. All these things will be verified and to the extent that they are criminals.” of some major corruption deals: Verdi Park, Cinema Lumina, the purchase of trams. I promise we will look very carefully, “he added.

According to Nicusor Dan, one of the first measures he intends to take will be the removal of the head of the Legal Department.

At the same time, he spoke of a first gesture, with symbolic value, the opening of the doors of the City Hall, located in front of the Cismigiu road.

“Now she (door – no) is closed and, if I’m not mistaken, she also has a doormat, and people from Bucharest enter through narrow side entrances. They accused me that this is my campaign show. No. But it’s a symbolic gesture, “he said.

Editing: Alexandru Costea
