Nicușor Dan Announces Which Subsidies He Will Keep If He Becomes Mayor And Accuses Union Leaders Of Spreading Lies


Nicușor Dan, the opposition-backed independent candidate in Bucharest City Hall, denounces a “dirty and lying campaign, as in the communist period” carried out against him by political opponents, some of whom are union leaders of subordinate public companies to the capital. Directors of the PSD.

Nicușor Dan offered a press conference this Sunday in which he wanted to deny various rumors that circulated in public space in relation to certain expenses that he will cut, if he becomes mayor of the Capital.

“It is a dirty campaign, unpretentious, as in the communist era, in which public officials, party members speak person to person and transmit false information, duplicated by an online campaign not assumed, where all kinds of lies are told . I was not wrong when I said that, unfortunately, 30 years after the Revolution, this campaign is a struggle between communism and anti-communism because, unfortunately, the media is typical of the 90’s, ”said Nicușor Dan.

Thus, the independent candidate assured that The disability aid will continue to be maintained, as well as the subsidy for heat transport and STB and the in vitro fertilization program will also continue..

Nicușor Dan: “Lie that the STB bill will reach 6 lei”

“It just came to our knowledge then the subsidy for public transport and that the ticket for public transport will be 6 lei. There are even STB union leaders, who are currently on the PSD councilors list for the next elections, who say, neither more nor less, that I will completely abolish the STB. I say it very clearly, no problem. In all civilized cities there is public transport and public transport is subsidized. And why is it subsidized? Because it is a public service and because it reduces pollution in the city, for the benefit of all the inhabitants. And I say one more thing: I will be a mayor who will actually pay the STB subsidy. The disaster at STB today comes from the fact that this subsidy has not been paid for months, because we all know where the money went. They went to fairs, parties, companies for the Gentiles and all kinds of nonsense!“, Accused Nicușor Dan.

Niculor Dan: “Lie that heating bills will be three times more expensive”

Another lie that has spread, Nicusor Dan said, is the idea that it will eliminate heat allowance and the bills will be three times more expensive.

“Once again, there are union leaders who say neither more nor less – again, leaders who are on the PSD list for local elections, against the law, because unions cannot do politics – they say that I will simply abolish Termoenergetica, the central heating network. It is, again, a big lie and I assure the people of Bucharest that I will be a mayor who will actually pay the subsidy, ”promised the candidate.

He also spoke of the horseshoes on the stairs of the apartment block in Bucharest that would operate illegally. “As for the bill, you know that a third of the block stairs in Bucharest do not have meters that have the metrological control up to date, that is, they are illegal. In other words, people pay, today, the bill for some meters that do not work legally, ”said Nicușor Dan.

Nicusor Dan: The disability allowance will continue to be paid. I want him to be in charge of the district councils.

The candidate supported by PNL and USR-PLUS also clarified the aid for the disabled, stating that his intention is to transfer them to the mayors of the sector.

“The idea has spread among people with disabilities that after I am mayor, I will eliminate aid for people with disabilities. How abject to be, to make a lying, dirty campaign at the expense of people with disabilities! I want to be very clear, the disability benefit will continue to be paid. I want this disability assistance to be provided by the district mayors, but if the district mayors, through the City Council, decide not to take charge of this assistance, it will continue to be paid by the Capital City Council ”, promised Nicușor Dan. He stressed that there are still things to do for these people:

“People with disabilities need an accessible Bucharest, they need to be able to travel by public transport and they need electric ramps, they need shelters to adapt. They need taxi services to comply with the law, to have the number of cars, which the law provides, in those that can be climbed in a car. Public places and public buildings and other buildings in Bucharest must be accessible, as the law says. It is necessary for the visually impaired and the hearing impaired to have proper signage in public transport and at intersections so that they can drive ”- said Nicușor Dan.

Nicușor Dan: To continue in vitro fertilization program

He also responded to a “challenge” that he says was thrown by his opponent, Gabriela Firea. “FI choose the mayor for the fact that he is taking on a challenge. Ask me if the in vitro fertilization program will continue, my answer is yes. I respond to the challenge, I answer yes, yes, ”said Nicușor Dan.

“There are two problems here, one is that this program is not from Firea, it is a program from Bucharest, which is paid for with money from Bucharest, and the biggest problem is what we do with them when they are born, that is, there is a guarantee for parents who want to have a child, who will have a state nursery where they can take their child? Is there any guarantee that they will have a kindergarten? This is the main problem faced by young families in Bucharest and this is the problem to which he will come up with a solution ”, added Nicușor Dan.

Nicușor Dan and his project for Dâmbovița, “the creative hub of the city”

On Sunday, on the banks of Dâmbovi, a, he presented his project “Dâmbovița – the creative hub of the city “, an idea taken from two architects, Theodor Floru and Matei Damian. The idea behind this program is that throughout Dâmbovița, Bucharest has a high academic density, given that There are two economic areas in which Bucharest has a competitive advantage in global competition: information technology and creative industries.

“Along Dâmbovița, Bucharest has a high academic density, we have the Polytechnic here, we have more Grozăvești, we have the Faculty of Medicine, we have the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Cantacuzino Institute, the Faculty of Law. After Unirii Square we have the National Library. All this academic density it is an opportunity. We also have many large spaces that are not used, we are talking about Grozăvești, we are talking about Casa Radio, we are talking about the huge free space next to the National Library. We have the problem that there is no connection between this economic environment and the business environment, ”said Nicușor Dan.

“Because an IT specialist can work in Bucharest, he can work in Barcelona or he can work in California and in the decision to work in Bucharest, the environment in which he works matters a lot and Dâmbovița offers this opportunity for leisure spaces, walking spaces , spaces where cafes and restaurants can be located ”, explained Nicușor Dan.

Web edition: Luana Păvălucă
