NEWS ALERT. Bomb announcement for millions of Romanians. Radical change in the payment of taxes


The Minister of Public Finance, Florin Cîţu, declared that they are working on an emergency ordinance that regulates the payment in simplified form of budgetary obligations for a period of 12 months for those accumulated from the date of entry to the state of emergency up to 25 October 2020, inclusive.

“The Ministry of Finance is already working on a draft emergency ordinance that regulates the rescheduling of payments in a simplified form of budgetary obligations. We know very well that some of these measures expire on October 25, but at the same time we know very well that there are sectors of the economy that have not yet recovered 100%. We have this ordinance that will regulate the rescheduling of payments in a simplified way, it is a rescheduling that is granted for a period of 12 months for obligations accumulated from the date of entry to the state of emergency until October 25, 2020, inclusive.

So, throughout this period in which obligations have accumulated, we can stagger them, as long as the debtor has not registered tax obligations before entering a state of emergency, so they have been good payers before entering a state of emergency ”. Florin Cîţu said at the government meeting on Thursday, asked by Prime Minister Orban what to expect from the business environment after October 25.

HORECA operators, exempt from payment of the specific tax until December 31, 2020

In the same context, the Prime Minister asked the Minister of Finance to consider expanding the measure that allowed local authorities to make decisions to reduce the construction tax by up to 50% and reduce the tax on construction, leased space and also the tax. Reduction of occupation of public domain and one hundred percent.

It is the option that we have thought about so far, but it will be for next week and we will see what the final form is, giving the power to the local authorities to adopt decisions to reduce taxes and fees on buildings until December 1 2020. at 50%, on the 2020 tax. In the same vein, taxpayers will submit a request for approval of the reduction until December 15, 2020. This is the option we are working with now, but we will discuss the details next week, ”Cîţu explained.
