News Alert | A new tragedy in Romanian football! Former FIFA referee Dan Lazărescu died at the age of 49.


  • European football (Tuesday, time 17:30, Digi Sport one)

  • Digi Sport Special (Tuesday, time 19:30, Digi Sport 1)

The former assistant referee allegedly suffered cardiorespiratory arrest and was found breathless in his home bathroom, according to Mondo News.

Dan Lăzărescu retired from arbitration in 2004

Dan Lăzărescu had a major career in refereeing but stopped abruptly in 2004. He was on the line in 92 games in League 1 and 96 in League 2.

The reasons for the withdrawal were caused by serious health problems.

He underwent three spinal surgeries over time and was diagnosed with lumbosciatica, said the source cited.

After retiring from arbitration, Dan Lăzărescu was vice president of CCA and television analyst.

Dan Lăzărescu, in 2019: “The doctor told me that he had not seen such a herniated record”

The former referee spoke last year about the health problems he had both during his career and after his retirement.

Lăzărescu said at the time that he was left with semi-paresis due to a herniated disc.

“During my career I had two spine surgeries. Last year I did the third one. It was very serious. It started quickly. The doctor told me that he did not see a herniated disc. Last year I picked up something.” strong and shot a paresis in his right leg.

They left me with a half paresis. I moved very fast, they operated on me in three days. Recovery was very difficult, I spent 6 months with two crutches and another 3 months with a crutch, it was very serious. If I was late one day with the operation, I risked being paralyzed from the waist down. “Dan Lăzărescu said for

Tags: referee , death , AC. , FIFA , dan lazarescu
