New quarantine rules for people who come into contact with patients with COVID or who come from areas with high epidemiological risk – Coronavirus


The National Committee for Emergency Situations decided this Friday to exempt people who had contact with a patient with COVID-19 from the quarantine measure if it is proven by medical documents that they had at least one positive test in the last 90 days prior to the production. contact and at least 14 days have elapsed from the date of the first positive test to the date of contact.

What CNSU decided:

“The decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations No. 36 / 07.21.2020 on the discovery of the COVID-19 pandemic and the establishment of the necessary measures to be applied for the protection of the population, is completed in article 3, with two new paragraphs (5) and (6) as follows:

  • „(5) They are also exempt from the measure established in accordance with the provisions of art. 2, persons who have been confirmed positive for SARS-CoV-2 virus infection in the last 90 days prior to entry into the country, as demonstrated by medical documents or by verification of the Corona forms database and for which at least 14 days have elapsed from the date of confirmation until entering the country ”.
  • “(6) Exonerated from the quarantine measure established in accordance with the provisions of Law 136/2020, reissued, establishing measures in the field of public health in situations of epidemiological and biological risk, people who have had contact with a confirmed positive case of SARS-CoV-2 Virus infection, if verified by medical documents or by checking the Corona-forms database, that they have had at least one positive test in the last 90 days prior to contact and that they have elapsed at least 14 days from the first positive test and until the date of contact ”.

Article 3 of the CNSU ruling of July 21 establishes the categories of people exempt from the quarantine measure, such as freight wagon drivers, pilots, locomotive drivers or members of the EP.

According to the law, the quarantine of people is established based on official scientific information and case definition, at the person’s home, in a place that declares or, where appropriate, in a special space designated by the authorities, regarding persons suspected of being infected or carrying a highly pathogenic agent who:

  • a) they come from areas where the epidemiological risk is high, based on epidemiological data transmitted at national, European and international level by the competent bodies in the matter;
  • b) have come into direct contact with at least one person who has been confirmed to have an infectious disease.