New measures valid from May 15: how to travel by bus, subway or train, rules for schools, dental offices, hotels and churches (project) – Essential


Access to the means of transport will be controlled, the student preparation groups must not be older than 10, the hotels will be open not for tourists, but for those who travel for professional purposes, and their restaurants will be closed. These are some of the rules proposed by the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) as of May 15 when restrictions imposed in the state of emergency are relaxed.

The document presented for public debate also includes the rules to be followed by dental offices. It also specifies how access to places of worship will be allowed.


Rules for schools:

Students and teachers returning to schools to prepare for the national exams must wear a mask. Also, student groups should not be greater than 10.

  • The preparation activity will be organized in groups that will include a maximum of 10 students and will not last more than 3 hours, with a break of at least 10 minutes every hour, to ventilate the rooms.
  • The participation of students and teaching or auxiliary personnel suffering from chronic diseases, living with people suffering from such diseases or people over 65 years of age is prohibited in training activities.
  • The breaks will be scheduled so that at the same time there are no more than 2 groups of a maximum of 10 students each on the break.
  • Before the preparation / examination activities begin, in the spaces where they will be carried out, the surfaces will be disinfected with biocidal substances based on chlorine or alcohol, and then the room will be ventilated for a period of at least 30 minutes.
  • Access within the school will be done only after disinfecting the hands, verifying the temperature (which should not exceed 37 degrees) and subject to the absence of respiratory virus symptoms.
  • Throughout school activities, both students and teachers will wear a simple medical mask or a non-medical mask made of various textiles, and students will be placed on benches so that they have at least one free space on the left and right and a free row. front and back.
  • The removal of masks worn by students and teachers will be done in specially designed places.
  • The examination activity will be carried out in accordance with all the measures presented above, without the need for breaks.

Public transportation subject to wearing a mask:

  • Access to the means of transport is conditioned by the mandatory use of a medical or non-medical mask that covers the mouth and nose;
  • The maximum number of passengers allowed will be limited to a maximum of half of the vehicle’s maximum transport capacity and with a minimum distance of one meter between passengers;
  • During boarding / disembarking, as well as during the journey, passengers will observe a distance of at least one meter from each other.
  • For vehicles with at least two doors, access inside the vehicle will only take place at the door at the front of the vehicle, and the descent at the other door (s);

Rules for underground transportation:

  • Access to the metro stations will be carried out in a controlled way, so that, on the waiting platforms, passengers can maintain a distance of at least one meter between them.
  • The places allowed for the transport of passengers, both for standing transport and transport in the seats, will be marked with a visible green sign so that a distance of at least one meter is maintained between the passengers;

Open hotels, but not for tourists.

In the coming period, hotels may offer these accommodation services, but not for tourism purposes, but for reasons such as professional interest travel, maintenance, etc., are shown in the INSP proposals.

  • Restaurants will not work in the first stage; pubs; cafes and confectionery inside the hotel. Meals will be served in room service. It is preferable to use cutlery and disposable tableware.
  • Playgrounds will be closed.
  • Places specially designed for fitness, saunas; indoor swimming pool; etc., inside the hotels, in this first stage, they remain closed.
  • The washing and disinfection of surfaces in rooms and common areas will be carried out more frequently than usual, with special biocidal solutions, approved by the Ministry of Health for this purpose. If, within the hotel, a case confirmed by COVID-19 appears among the staff or guests, after the epidemiological investigation carried out by the territorial DSP, the hotel’s activity will be closed until the disinfection of all spaces under the recommendation and supervision. of the territorial DSP. .
  • The use of elevators will be carried out only if it is strictly necessary and only for a maximum of two people at the same time, who will wear protective masks during the use of the elevator. It is recommended that the two people be from the same family.

Limited access to churches.

Access to places of worship will be limited, after May 15, with an area of ​​8 square meters for one person, and parishioners and priests must wear protective masks, according to proposals submitted for public debate by the National Institute Public Health.

In addition, kissing icons will be avoided, the exchange will be made with disposable teaspoons and the blessing will be granted from a distance of at least one meter. (All the rules HERE)

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