NEW DISCLOSURES on AstraZeneca Vaccine Effectiveness Against Novel Coronavirus Strains: For Which It Is NOT Effective – Source News


The effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine depends on the type of strain, preliminary studies show that it has an extremely low reaction in the case of the South African strain, says public health professor Răzvan Cherecheș, from the University “Babeș Bolyai”, in Cluj-Napoca .

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Răzvan Cherecheș responds, on the RoVaccinare Facebook page, about the efficacy of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the new SARS-CoV-2 strains.

“It depends on the stem type. In the UK B 117 strain, the AstraZeneca vaccine has good efficacy and effectively attacks the virus. In the South African B 1352 strain, preliminary studies show that the efficacy is extremely low. Only We have a study in South Africa of 2,000 people with an average age of 31 years, that is, young, and that showed that the AstraZeneca vaccine offers minimal protection against mild to moderate symptoms. The study did not provide protection against severe symptoms, hospitalization or So far, the study is not yet definitively published, but only preliminary data, “says the professor of public health at the University” Babeș Bolyai “of Cluj-Napoca.

In vitro studies on the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have shown that these vaccines also have lower efficacy over the B1352 strain in South Africa, according to the professor of public health.

“The reason is the E484K mutation, a vile mutation that affects the way the spiny protein binds to cells in our body,” explains Professor Cherecheș.

What Răzvan Cherecheș considers important to know is that all three types of vaccines have been shown to have extremely good protection against severe symptoms, hospitalization or death.

“No study has clearly shown that the new strains or any mutation they have would in any way affect the protection provided by the three vaccines: AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna against severe symptoms, hospitalization and death. And these are the things that we In short, so far we are fine “, says the professor.
