New details about the assistant accused of sexually assaulting mothers at the children’s hospital. First complaints, made 6 years ago! The police have now notified Freedom


In 2014, the hospital representatives say, the first complaints were made. The assistant drew the attention of the Disciplinary Commission of the health unit, which decided to terminate the employment contract. Dan Raicu went to court and won the annulment of the decision, the hospital representatives say, because the people who complained to him did not want to back up his claims.

“Nurses threatened”

„Complaints related to the behavior of the employee of the Pediatric Psychiatry Department began in 2014. He went through the stages of the Disciplinary Commission, he was sanctioned with the termination of the employment contract. He contested in court and the police opened an investigation, in which the plaintiffs did not appear. It was approved with a proposal to resume the activity by court decision. The lawsuit could not continue due to lack of evidence, the plaintiffs did not appear before the police, ”said Dr. Mihai Gafencu, spokesman for the” Louis Țurcanu “Hospital in Timișoara.

New details about the nurse accused of sexually assaulting mothers at the children's hospital.  The first complaints, made 6 years ago!  The police have now been notified
Nurse Dan Raicu

After the 2014 episodes, things would have calmed down, according to hospital bosses, until the summer of this year, when mothers of hospitalized children accused of sexual abuse. They complained that Dan Raicu “put his hand on their ass”, went after them to the bathroom or sat next to them on the bed.

Hospital representatives say that even the nurse’s colleagues complained of sexual harassment.

“In a few years, the complaints were resumed. They were also duplicated by the aggression towards the colleagues. He threatened the nurses. We followed the same procedure, this year there were complaints of sexual harassment, we resumed the sanctions for disciplinary transfer and descent from assistant to cleaner. This time he appeared with a lawyer, he contested all the accusations, “Gafencu also said.

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The assistant re-entered the Disciplinary Commission, which this time decided to demote him. He was appointed caretaker, but in the meantime returned to his assistant position.

The police have opened an investigation

At the same time, the police were notified and announced that the facts of Dan Raicu will be investigated by the Timișoara Police Station 3 under the coordination of a prosecutor from the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Timișoara Court.

“The police officers of Section 3 of Timișoara have been notified ex officio about the commission of the crime of sexual assault and are conducting investigations under the coordination of the prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Timișoara Court in order to establish the factual situation and take legal action, “he said. Timiș County Police.

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