New coronavirus mutations amount to a new pandemic, warns French government scientific adviser


The appearance of new mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus detected in the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil is equivalent to the beginning of a new epidemic, with this “diabolical” virus capable of finding solutions to avoid new treatment methods, says the chief scientific adviser of the Government of Paris, Jean-François Delfraissy.

According to his assessment, although the prevalence of new confirmed COVID-19 cases with these mutations in France is currently only 1.4 to 1.5%, this percentage may increase, especially in the case of the British mutation, which is “Unstoppable”.

In these conditions, it is necessary new anti-epidemic measures, since the appearance of these new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has changed the health situation. He gave the example of the Brazilian city of Manaus and the South African city of Cape Town, whose population had reached a high level of immunity, but new mutations revived the contagion.

France, near the third running of the bulls

France is likely to need a new lockdown due to community transmission of the most contagious mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the Paris government’s top scientific adviser to BFM TV said on Sunday, Agerpres reports.

If we do not toughen measures, we will find ourselves in an extremely difficult situation from mid-March. (…) We will probably have to re-enter the blockade ”, anticipates the French official, quoted by Reuters.

This week will be critical, politicians must decideDelfraissy added, suggesting that the new lockdown, which would be the third in France since the start of the pandemic, will begin in February with a two-week school vacation, which would extend for another week.

France, a country with a population of about 67 million, reported 18,436 new COVID-19 cases and 72 deaths associated with the disease on Sunday. The number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients is currently 26,393, of which 2,965 are in intensive care.

On January 16, the government of Paris exceeded, at 6:00 p.m., the prohibition of night traffic. Meanwhile, the daily average of new COVID-19 cases has risen from about 18,000 to about 20,000.

Between six and eight million French people will be vaccinated in mid-April, added the French government’s scientific adviser, adding that already developed vaccines are less effective against the South African mutation.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
