New clarifications from the Minister of Education regarding the start of school: Until September 7, I would dare to say what the scenario is – Education


The decision on how the courses will resume will not be made until September 7, when the DSPs will have to carry out the epidemiological analysis. “Until September 7, I would dare to say what the scenario is, that’s why I decentralized the decision. It depends on the epidemiological situation from one locality to another, ”said Education Minister Monica Anisie on B1 TV.

The clarifications come in the context in which Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated on Friday that there were discussions about the resumption of classes on September 14 in the online system, and from October 1 the students will physically return to schools . However, the head of government specified that no decision has yet been made.

What the Minister of Education says:

  • We have to be honest: there are parents who think we should postpone the start of the school year. We made an announcement. The document that is scheduled to start the year for September 14 has already been prepared. The joint order was approved with the Ministry of Health. There is also a calendar. On September 7, the DSPs analyze the epidemiological situation. Depending on this, but also on the particularities of the school, the school boards make a proposal to the school inspectorates, and the emergency committees decide, depending on the scenarios. When the situation is serious, it can be done online.
  • For now, we must have an epidemiological situation announced at the national level. Until then, we can only make these documents by which we prepare the school for all scenarios. We must also look at the situation of children. We all must take responsibility.
  • Until September 7, I would dare to say what the scenario is, that’s why I decentralized the decision. It depends on the epidemiological situation from one locality to another, look at the other EU states that have made similar decisions. We have to analyze the epidemiological situation, not to expose the children, but we also have to look at the particularities of the school: does it have the necessary spaces for the physical distance of one meter? Do you have spacers, if there is no possibility of spacing? Do you have disinfectant, masks, resources? These are provided by the local authorities.
  • I had conversations with mayors, prefects, school directors. The Ministry of Education has worked intensively and we are in contact with the general school inspectors, who have the task of being in direct contact with teachers and students, so that we know the degree of preparation for the start of classes. From the reports received so far, 80% of the educational units are prepared: they have disinfectant, they have masks.

The head of the Department of Emergency Situations, Raed Arafat, declared Friday afternoon, on Antena 3, that there was no “official discussion” about the postponement of the start of the school year.

“The discussion about a possible postponement of the physical presence (of children and teachers in the school – no.), An official discussion did not take place. That must be understood, no official discussion has taken place. There are certain points of view and these points of view will be clearly analyzed, and I think we need to communicate more and more with parents. I know it was a press conference of both ministries, Health and Education, these things must be repeated, explained, explained again, until everyone understands how things are going to go, “said Raed Arafat on Antena 3, asked if they have consider. scenarios under which the school year begins on October 1.
