New anti-COVID restrictions in preparation. Raed Arafat accepts a time extension of the night quarantine


“Yes. Sometimes and perhaps to reduce non-essential activities, yes. We see countries with these nightly quarantines, which begin at 6:00 p.m. in France, at 9:00 p.m. in other countries, and in our country at 22:00. Yes, it is a measure. important that it can reduce the contact and mobility that lead to the spread of the virus. “, says Digi24 Raed Arafat, asked if he would agree to an extended quarantine at night.

The Secretary of State for the Interior Ministry says such measures have been successful in other countries.

At the same time, Raed Arafat rejected the idea of ​​a total weekend canteen.

“These are discussions that I don’t want to speculate on. Between total quarantine, that is, entering the house, closing and not leaving anything, I do not think that is the case, but there will be, perhaps, some measures in which certain activities will be reduced. Go to town, leave home after a certain time, maybe instead of 10 pm, maybe a certain time earlier. Today we had a discussion at the level of the Technical-Scientific Committee. A CNSU proposal is going to be made, “adds Arafat.

Raed Arafat says that new measures will be approved this week.

“This does not mean tomorrow, but during this week we are going to raise certain aspects that will probably apply during the weekend,” Arafat concludes.

In the last 24 hours, 6,149 new cases of COVID-19 were registered and 174 Romanians died after being infected with SARS-VOC-2.

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